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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by P2d, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. ok so i was messing around and filled out all the stuff and bought a steamline perk bubbler/bong but i was just wondering will they mail it to me even if i dont mail them the money(mailing money was my choise of payment)
  2. [quote name='"P2d"']ok so i was messing around and filled out all the stuff and bought a steamline perk bubbler/bong but i was just wondering will they mail it to me even if i dont mail them the money(mailing money was my choise of payment)[/quote]

    Obviously not
  3. LOL!!!

    Are you SERIOUS OP!?!?

    What sense would that freakin' make? Oh my god, I am face palming in real fucking life over this garbage. Poor kid.
  4. Yes, payments are optional.
  5. Yeah, I'm sure they ship it out before receiving your money :rolleyes:
  6. OMG I just saw that sad 4 minute commercial with dying and homeless kitties and doggies... had to read this thread for a laugh. (not kidding)

  7. your welcome im just high and dont know why i thought that but i hate that shitty commercial

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