Punctuation guide

Discussion in 'General' started by shaddytheman, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. #1 shaddytheman, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
    Okay, it seems that certain people get mad when others don't cite proper punctuation in their text so I'm going to create a guide--so the people would stop complaining. P.S. I'm not a grammar nazi nor will I attack you for punctuation so don't get mad.

    1. Comma [​IMG]

    It's used to separate independent main clauses in a sentence, could be used before using the words: so, and, but--these are just the main ones.

    Ex: I was going to take you to prom, but then I got high.

    Also use them after introductory words, phrases or word that come before the main clause.

    Ex: When I went to the Mc Donalds stoned, the aroma of the fries captivated my nose.

    Introductory words that follow this procedure are: yes, however and well.

    2. Period [​IMG]

    The main use is complete a sentence, very basic. You guys should already know but for apprentice tokers that need help with punctuation.

    3. Question Mark. [​IMG]

    Mostly used when asking a question.

    Ex: Should Marijuana be legalized?

    Do not use with a period, they both work alone.

    4. Semicolons. [​IMG]

    They're used to join two or more independent clauses in a compound sentence.

    Ex: Jenny was the most attractive girl in High School; However, 90% of guys were too pussy to talk to her.

    Also used to separate items if the series contains a comma.

    5. Dash. [​IMG]

    Used to emphasize a point or to explain a comment. You don't need to use them a lot.

    Ex. Mom stop complaining--you sound like Fred Flintstone.

    6. Parentheses. [​IMG]

    Occasionally and sparingly used to add additional information in your sentence.

    I was late for class (the bus was crammed in traffic on the highway) so that's why my arrival was long.

    7. Apostrophe's [​IMG]

    Apostrophe have 3 uses: 1.) form possessives of noun, 2.) show the omission of letters and 3.) indicate certain plurals of lowercase letters.

    Example of possessive: The boy's eggo.
    Example of omission: Would've = Would have
    Forming plurals: Mind your p's and q's.

    8. Colons [​IMG]

    A colon should be used after a complete statement in order to introduce one or more directly related idea such as directions, a list or quotation or other comment illustrating or explaining the statement.

    Example of using a colon: The newspaper contains four sections: news, sports, entertainment, and classified ads.

    Also used to separate chapters and verses from the bible.

    9. Quotation Marks [​IMG]

    Quotation marks are used to quote another person's words exactly, whether they're spoken or written.

    Example: John said, "My neighbor yelled at me today! He said 'clean up your damn dog poop!'"

    When introducing quotation after a independent clause, use a comma and a colon to start off:

    D.H. Nachas explains cultural differences in greeting customs: "Touching is not a universal sign of greeting".

    They could also be used to denote irony or sarcasm, or something fishy about the wording.

    Always put colons and semicolons outside of quotes. Put commas and periods inside quotations unless preceded by parentheses.

    Wiz said, "I may forget your name, but never that ass."

    Request for Your and You're.

    You're is a contradiction for you are.
    Example: You're so chill and easygoing.

    Your is a possessive adjective, it usually comes before a noun or pronoun that it belongs to.
    Example: I like your attitude, its very calm and laidback.

    This wasn't created to start conflict or look down on people, I barely get mad from simple things --such as grammar but some just wanted to learn.
  2. How about the differences of their, there, they're, its, it's, whose, who's, too, and to.

    ...and yes include the rest of the things you mentioned. Also include (...).
  3. If I remember correctly from gradeschool, a colon comes before a list?
    The only ones im fucked up on are the colon and semi-colon.
    I see the semi colon is less of a colon than the colon?

    I have a final paper to write too, you'd think i know this shit.
  4. Colons are commonly used like this: to make a point within a sentence.

    If the second part is a sentence fragment, then the first word is NOT capitalized, as above. If the second part is a complete sentence by itself, then the first word IS capitalized.

    Semicolons can usually replace a period; however, the first word should NOT be capitalized -- as Shaddy did in his example. :)
  5. So, who believes in using the "oxford comma"? Personally, I do.
  6. I'll throw punctuation in where I want, when I want. I'll express my right to throw semicolons around, because they're fun; apostrophes to join words that are better left unjoined; and question marks after questions which don't need to be asked. Y'know what I'm sayin', brah?

    That is my right as a man -- a man who adds additional thoughts post-em dash.

  7. The oxford comma isn't a matter of opinion :laughing:

  8. I wish it was fact instead of opinion, but there's still an academic debate around it.
  9. people who dont give a shit about punctuation and grammar definitely dont give a shit about this thread.. You really think theyre gunna read it? A lot of the time its not that theyre 'bad' at punctuation , its that they just dont give a fuck. Its a forum. Not a college paper.
  10. #11 Yoda, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012

    Im one of the ones that find it funny as hell when you all start correcting each other...

    its so fucking overrated.. as long as you understand what im saying it success.
    If you cant understand it because you are anal or ocd...
    well thats your problem not mine..:p:D

    Then you get these folls..
    you must not be edjumacated...
    Einstein himself said spelling and such is a waste of time and he was terrible at it.
    Education has nothing to do with wether or not you are anal enough to proof read and correct spelling on a stoner forum..
    I find it to be a waste of time and energy...:D

    I say relax, care about what you can control.
    ignore the things in life you cant control....;):D

    Anyone else ever wonder why the folks with a major in english cant find a good fucking job...lol
  11. Or maybe the 14 year old stoners on this site might learn something, as opposed to smoking themselves retarded.
  12. How come…
  13. Sweet comma placement bro.

  14. LOL I mean, I'm not the one to be a grammar nazi or anything but certain high rep users are and sometimes dickish about it and will point the finger in their text but yeah it's the internet; as long as the point gets across then all should be well. Hope you get what I'm saying.

    English professors tend to be nuts on this shit, you clearly don't want my professor; dude would put you in blast for the wrong answer.
  15. Aye bruh :laughing:

    Attached Files:

  16. Well i understand an english professor bein a hard on for punctuation, but im with yoda, it just makes me shake my head when i see these dudes point out all these grammar mistakes. You understand what hes tryna say? Then read it an move on.. If you dont then maybe its YOU that needa to take some reading lessons. This wasnt directed at you personally.
  17. #19 Malvolio, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
    The placement of the comma is correct if trying to make two statements as opposed to one. On the other hand, my last sentence was a single statement, meaning that the use of a comma was unnecessary... Get it?

    I'm not a grammar Nazi, nor do I care about people's use of grammar on the internet, but some people lack basic literary skills.

  18. If you were to get in a debate with my professor, oh gosh it would be heated as hell. But yeah I get what you mean; some personality types (SJ's in particular) are uptight about this shit and respect you more if you have academic writing, living up to expectations is stressful enough.

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