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Pulp problem: Need healthy recipes!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ihavetoomanypets, Jun 22, 2023.

  1. Yeah, my problem has been that I've got a quite of pulp which is "left over" from my infused MCT oil batches. I've made my share of brownies and chocolate chip cookies with it... Don't get me wrong, they're great (and for me...) still pack a punch, but I'm looking for something healthier that also has reasonable shelf life and/or can be frozen.

    I love the fact that between the magic elixir mct oil and whatever goodie that I made from the leftover pulp, NOTHING goes to waste.

    I have not yet tried making @BrassNwood 's capsules from pulp. I do have concerns about the shelf life of the pulp, but I suppose that I could still freeze them for storage.
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  2. I think @BrassNwood said he had caps that were a couple of years old in the back of the freezer that were fine
    I've gone over a year with no problem
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  3. I think it's great that you use everything from your bud. I don't. I feel like there's a point of diminishing returns and anything made from MCT pulp has reached that point for me. I note you do say they pack a punch for you. I take it not for everybody, lol?

    I store my oil caps in the freezer. I have some that are couple of years old that still are fine. I keep newer caps for consumption within a month in the fridge. It's warm and humid here and cold storage works best.
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  4. Thanks for the confirmation on freezing capsules.

    Does anyone have a link to the capsules and filling trays they like to use?
  5. This is what I use to make my thunder struck and cbd/cbg caps for medical use

    IMG_20230624_131705.jpg IMG_20230624_131710.jpg IMG_20230624_131720.jpg IMG_20230624_131729.jpg IMG_20230624_132106.jpg IMG_20230624_132115.jpg

    I got the culinary syringe from modernist pantry as part of a kit
    You can find them anywhere on line
    Spend a little and get a comfortable one with good finger holes or grips
    After 20 or 30 caps you will feel it
    Also the wider opening on the syringe allows oil to flow a bit easier
    Be careful on the flow because they can get messy if you rush
    Wear gloves!!!!
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  6. Thank you for that recommendation!
  7. Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads | Page 109 | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online


    I found a capsule holder more trouble than just hand filling one at a time. Mr. Coffee mug heater keeps the hash / coconut oil hot and flowing well in a standard eyedropper. I found it to have far better control than a syringe as the plunger moves to suddenly and too far and you wind up with a mess nearly every capsule.
    It also gives me a moment to give the dish a stir to keep all the bits evenly distributed.

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