Pulling her oct 10th. Good idea??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by bongsin, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. let me know how shes looking. potent? healthy? how much flowering time left? is oct 10th a good date?

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  2. looks good and you need at least 3 more weeks
  3. wish I could had more time... but crappy weather and mold started
  4. i feel your pain..

    don't let the mold get outta control
  5. try to go a little later then the 10th but if its mold mate. then you must chop no sense in loosing the whole crop
  6. mold will decimate your hard work.

    if you have to inspect every single nugget, trim, dry, check re-trim, smell for decomp... dry some more, jar.. smell...inspect every single nugget again re-trim.. It might take some of the fun outta the process.. but its up to you.

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