Pulled A Gun On Someone

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rallydrift, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Last night I had an uber vivid dream. So it starts out in some non memorable parking lot and i go to pick up from my dealer (not current one but one i know) anyway, i get in his car, and he has a shit ton of cash (american currency with the bank straps) then i realize i have a gun and consider ripping him off (i dont) then we drive somewhere and for some reason im in the back seat dunno why lol then we go somewhere else and some hardcore looking dude gives my bro a bag and my bro looks in and gives him the money then for some reason the hard core guy pulls a gun and aims it at my friend and i instinctively pull out mine and walk right up to him aiming at his head the entire time and eventually push it into his forehead and my friend grabs back his money and the weed and we take his gun and then leave and thats where the dream ends.
    what do you guys think this could be about?
    Some Things Going On In Real Life
    - I got robbed when trying to buy weed
    - I'm contemplating dropping out of University and joining the Military
    - Ive become more confrontational
    - SWIM is growing a plant
    - I was high when I fell asleep
    - Summers at the end and I'm going back to school instead of working
    So ya what do you guys think
  2. I thought you meant you actually did...
  3. It means I fucked your mom last night.
  4. This thread fell well below my expectations
  5. I think it means that the next time you go to pickup some weed you will be killed. And not in a fast painless way either, it will be a slow painful death. Trust me, I'm an expert on dreams.
  6. you want revenge
  7. [quote name='"tokesmoke69"']It means I fucked your mom last night.[/quote]

  8. There should be a section just for dream threads, or im gunna start filling the forum with posts like fucked mila kunis last night!

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