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Public Transportation

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bobias, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I have done it 3 times before and everytime i have done it it was the shit!! Riding on the public transportation system is ridiculously awesome!!
  2. I'd rather drive my own car ;)

    your SO high :smoke:
  4. lol uhh...

    I thought that too at 14 when I first started using it. Now that I'm 20 and my brother and I share a car and he's usually a d-bag about it and won't give me the keys, I take public transit to my university and back home. It would be nice if I just had to do the 20 minute drive instead of the hour and a half trek it takes by two busses and a trip on the subway.
  5. ur so fucked up =]
  6. I only rode the trains when I was in Chicago
  7. I too, appreciate the public transportation system.

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