Public mothafuckin' speaking

Discussion in 'General' started by jimboob, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Why did i take this class? the Me last spring probably thought it'd be hilarious to fuck the Me of the presant over bad, now i'm stuck with this class. If i drop it i lose my finacial aid. So i'm stuck.

    It's not even because i hate talking in front of class. i do, but its the stress that comes with it. I'm REALLY bad with stress. And to have this looming over my head everyday kills me. Even after I make my speech (which is probably tomm) i have to prepare for the next one every week or so for the next few months...

    I lose my hair over stress, i really want to drop it and take it again when i have less shit on my plate, but i can't. any advice guyz? think i might go out and smoke to chill out for the night....
  2. either try n get laid back bout it by talkin ur way thru it or talk to an advosor bout the situation. I have huge stress/anxiety probs n have trouble with public speaking as well. Some ppl are just not meant for this type of class. Hopefully ur advisor can help you out with the financial aid issue.
  3. I laughed at the title of this thread is that helps at all.
  4. Just get it over with already.
  5. How long does each speech each week have to be about. Like 5 min?, pshhh, you will be able to whip those out no problem man. Just think, everyone else has to do it, and half the time, no one even pays attention to the other people. So....

    Singin... dont worry, bout a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be alright. ~Bob Marley
  6. yea its about 7 matter how i rationalize it i can't shake the stress though...which is ironic cause my speech is either gonna be on Tupac or dealing with stress...
  7. If it makes you feel better, there's a good chance nobody is even listening to your speech.
  8. Seriously, no one cares what word come out of your mouth, only the teacher does. I'm taking the same class and I love how easy it is, I come in, "listen," leave, and write my speech and get an A.

    I say you should stick with it, if you're scared you gotta face that fear head on.
  9. The only option i can see that has a positive outcome is to get blazed and then give your speech:smoke:
  10. As silly as it may sound but this is something I've had to deal with in my own public speaking class; don't forget to breath.

    Stay calm, breath, and before you start your speech greet the class. If it's a morning class, say 'good morning'. Any good class will say good morning back. I dunno, it made it less of a speech and more of a conversation in front of a few people.

    Good luck.
  11. Yea good advice on here.

    Make sure to make eye contact, even if that means speaking your speech slower. Its okay, people dont mind if you talk slow, most people are slow. Just make sure that you stand with confidence, and have a loud voice. Fuck the haters, you want your own good grade, suck that teachers pussy if you got to because she is the only one you need to impress.

    sorry ima bit drunk ahah good night.
  12. I put off public speaking until the last semester of college.
    If we were friends, you'd know how much I anxious I was about it.

    However, you must remember two things -

    1) Most, if not all, of your peers are just as anxious as you are about it; they just may be better at hiding it.

    Jerry Seinfeld said, "“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

    2) Your peers will be rooting for you. They want you to do as well as they want themselves to do.
  13. pull otu ya cock and go out there! that definitely will not help. (put down popsicle to type) imma erase that'll keep it there i think. keep it original.

    dude just try to relax and focus on the material. I had a hard time in high school with anything that had to be presented till I had a class called "Creative Writing". Creative Writing is a class where you write whatevers on your mind down in a poem/rap/cool sounding words and then at the end of class you can share. Its completly your choice though. The whole first week not a single soul went up. girl decided she wanted to share. Her poem (at the time) to my untrained ears sounded stupid. but then my teacher clapped and shit and she smiled. Her friend went up too and eventually everyone went up and loved sharing. I started to get really use to talking in front of ppl. I didnt feel self conscious because well hell...I had heard some of the deepest heartfelt shit form all of these fellow classmates when they shared so I had nothing to fear. baked to shit. Im sorry about the wall guys...popsicle tho. gotta finish that badboy. Peace
  14. I took a public speaking class a few semesters ago, and I learned some things that helped me a ton. Not only from the class itself (the prof was actually pretty useless), but from watching the other students, and from doing my own speeches and watching their impact.

    There are a few things to focus on that will completely make or break your speech, and they're all related with one another.

    The first, and most important thing, is to KNOW YOUR MATERIAL WELL. I mean really well. As in, outside of the speech, you should be able to tell someone all about it in conversation. Don't memorize a bunch of facts, because you'll likely forget them, KNOW your facts. Not knowing your material is the basis for all other failures that are possible.

    There are many reasons for this being important. Firstly, it will cause you to be nervous, because you'll be focusing on remembering the material instead of delivering it. Your speech will be worse because of it. Because you're nervous, you'll tend to talk to fast, and you'll run out of memorized things to recite, and when you realize that you've only talked at your audience for 3 minutes and have nothing more to say, and you'll start to panic, and there will be the awkward silence, which will make you even more nervouse, etc, etc, ad naseum. An awful downward spiral.

    If you know your material well, spitting out 7 minutes of facts and material will seem like nothing. You'll likely go over. You'll speak slowly, because you will be more confident about your speech and you'll actually be able to not only spit out the material, but drive your point home and be convincing. Your audience will respond accordingly, and so will your grade.

    Also, remember that no one cares about your speech, aside from the grader. Your fellow students only care about getting their own speech over with.
  15. Yea, good advice...i think why im having so much trouble with this one is because i procrastinated the fuck outta it, so i just whipped up a last minute and it was all from like a half hour of googling my topic, so im not too confident in it.

    the first speech we had to give was about ourselves, that was definatly easier to deal with...fuck maybe i'll make my speech on shrooms or something...
  16. I had an awesome Public Speaking prof. He taught us with all these tricks like getting us used to eye contact by us having to look at each student's eyes in the class for a minute. That is a long time! It is an intimate act and it is very hard to do.

    He would talk almost the whole time narrating and talking us through it. We were to look inside this person like looking into his soul). It was trippy. But he taught us to look just over the top of people's heads if we couldn't look at their eyes. Remember to look around the room. People will actually think you are looking at them, so don't stare at any one person for too long.

    Each class was something else. He was accustomizing (I forget the word I am looking for) us.

    Also pay attention to what you are doing with your hands so they don't look stupid. One guy in class would always start out his speech with his hand up his shirt and it looked like he was playing with his belly button, but as time wore on he was slowly moving south 'til his hand was down his pants a little.

    It was always hella fun watching him give his speech, and no matter how many times he was told to stop it, he would forget and do it when he was nervous. ask someone (perhaps the prof, perhaps someone who is cute) if you had anything you look like you did because you were nervous: tics, behavior like constant apologizing which is lame, rolling your eyes etc.

    Do your speeches on things you are passionate about, and things you could talk about in your sleep. I did one on abortion, one on religion; you see what I am talking about. Get some facts and try to memorize them. They will spice up your speech and send the message home.

    See if your prof allows notecards. If he/she does then save your space on your cards for things you tried to memorize written in big bold colored letters and an outline that is very simplified. You will want to only look at it in emergencies, and then you have to know what and where to look for things on the card.

    If the card is filled up with text, you won't know where to look for anything and the cards will be useless. Do not hide behind the cards. You will have the tendency to stare at them/forget about eye contact. Don't do it. You will not only look stupid you will ruin the impact of your speech.

    Speak slowly. Listen to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches and notice his speech patterns. Then listen to John Fitzgerald Kennedy... Same slow, consistent, pattern with clear, clean diction etc. Enunciate just enough to be heard clearly and not enough to sound like an ass.

    Hope this helps!
  17. I am very introverted and shy. I had to take this. I stuttered through all 6 speeches, I fucked up, I would forget what I was trying to say, I would shake due to nervousness will giving my speech.

    Other People would conduct their speeches flawlessly, and make it seem like the easiest thing in the world.

    I completed the course with a B+, And I'm glad I stuck with it. It helped me feel more comfortable with talking in front of people , because it's life. It's a professional skill that will be utilized often.

    I was required to take it, overall, it wasn't that bad
  18. Shrooms is a good topic. It is one people will have a definite opinion/stance on, and one which will be riveting, because whether you have done them or not you are always down to hear about it. It would be fascinating to see the people's faces when they hear your topic; on second thought look over their heads 'cause somebody's disgust with you might make you nervous. Do it, bra!
  19. Don't go to public speaking stoned. Trust me. Bad idea. Especially if your professor is fond of impromptu forums on random topics..... and you get picked.

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