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Public consumption in the Caribbean? HELP

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Vegangem, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. I know this is a long shot, but all Google searches have failed to date....

    I have a MM card and will be doing some cruising this year. It totally sucks that I can't bring medication on the ship. I used to bring it onboard anyway but now feel it's too risky and I'm no longer willing to take the chance.
    I am going on a cruise next month and the first port is Jamaica! Whoo hoo, right?!
    And, after MUCH research, I found ONE "cannabis lounge" where I can smoke. The problem is not obtaining the marijuana, it's the local laws that prohibit smoking in public. This is fine for people staying in a resort, but not at all for cruise ship passengers who 1. Have nowhere to go to smoke and 2. Can't take it back on the ship. These dispensaries do not seem to offer gummies/edibles...
    Anyway, I cannot find this very specific information - glad I found ONE place near the port in Jamaica, but surely there are more?
    I tried googling for lounges and smoking rooms in other ports and came up with basically nothing.
    I will be going back to St. Thomas and San Juan in December with the same issue, except I haven't found a dispensary that indicates smoking is allowed inside the store.

    Does anyone have suggestions on how/where to smoke in these ports? More and more islands are decriminalizing, adding MM and even recreational, but most or all do not allow smoking in public places.

    I was in St. Thomas in December and a rando let me hit his joint, but there has to be a better way! LOL
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  2. Sorry, but I'm no help. I think the "cannabis lounge" will be your best bet I have never even bought cannabis legally while on a cruise- no place to smoke and scared to have it on board. I also leave my cannabis at home while cruising. I used to bring Brasscaps and those made it through a TSA inspection and attracted no attention on board. The penalties are so severe now I don't chance it anymore. Good luck!
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  3. Thanks @Joker1121

    I was thrilled to find the cannabis lounge in Ocho Rios, I just wish it wasn't the 1st stop on a 12 day cruise - LOL
    Would have been better for me if it was in the middle...

    I have taken joints on cruises many years ago. More recently, I took a vape pen in my makeup case and ditched it in public garbage before disembarking. Last time, I took capsules, but as it turned out, they had no effect and the doctor said my receptors probably aren't working with that method.

    I cruised in December with nothing, but it was okay.

    At this point, I've seen too many YouTube videos and yeah, it's not worth the risk. They have dogs in the port terminal for Carnival, sniffing the passengers before boarding even! I don't sail Carnival anymore but that's still too close for my comfort. And I found out, dogs will alert on any type - flower, vape, gummies...

    UGH....guess it's up to xanax and alcohol now....haha
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  4. Might be interesting to see if those dogs are trained to alert for fungi so you can still feed your head amongst all that conspicuous consumption… ha ha.
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