Psychology of the Brain and DNA

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TheJourney, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. #1 TheJourney, Jan 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2012
    We have to learn to think like our nervous system. To think like DNA. There are certain principles of reality/self-hood that can be found in human activity and then in every scale of reality, all the way down to the quantum levels. As it stands, in society-as-it-is, we do not have the linguistic understanding or vocabulary to accurately explain and understand such activity. It is best to understand the psychology of the nervous system and the genetic code, and then understand human-interaction in terms of these principles.

    The post-terrestrial circuits are such that the signals transceived by them do not filter through a good-bad duality. It is, rather, pure reception and transfer of body impulses, brain signals, and genetic imperative. Their activation and integration is dependent on your ability to become perceptive to these impulses, and learn to operate in high-velocity realities, able to sift through incredible amounts of information at once.

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