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psychologically dependent stoners

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Tastytrichomes, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. i was watching "true life: i'm addicted to marijuana" last night before i fell asleep just because i thought i could get a kick out of it. i found it absolutely retarded how some of the people on that episode had no self-control. this one dude couldn't go a single day without smoking a blunt. all he would smoke were blunts. he even started selling to support his habit, claimed by himself.

    and this other chick had alllll these pieces and would toke up every four hours because she had horrible anxiety after getting raped.

    as much as i respect other stoners, i feel like the people who are psychologically dependent and use it as an escape from reality are the ones who make the rest of us look bad. and it's fucked up. just use weed in moderation... because it is NOT an escape from anything.

    personally i smoke bud because i have terrible wrist pain. i hairline fractured my wrist about a year ago and never went to a doctor, so it's been hurt a second time after the incident and i don't think it properly healed but that's ok cause i like a joint every now and then :smoke:
  2. i personally think shows like that, shows that depict marijuana as such a life altering (in a bad way, like a meth head) dependent drug, need to be taken off air.

    thats why i dont watch MTV. its crap. true life. pfffft.

    frankly OP, i cant believe you bought into that garbage.
  3. sure the show is retarded. and they made the people say "marijuana" instead of slang terms which im sure they'd use of their own time...

    but psychological dependence is not using weed in a responsible manner, and i think it makes the rest of us look bad, in my opinion. and if you're denying the existence of psychological addiction then you might need to educate yourself a little bit, man. the show might be garbage but it's something that actually happens
  4. First of all tv is poison for your brain. Second, those said people are trying to treat their 'pain' with marijuana, the same way youre treating your wrist, but that being said, everyone has their reasons for smoking weed. Mine personally, is that i love being chill, i dont get as angry or upset (can handle pissed off girlfriend better) and it makes life better imo. However i can certainly Control myself during school hours, in fact i hate going to school grilled, it makes me paranoid, my sentences come out awkward, and it goes away too soon. Also, yes i do agree that the 5-10% of potheads like that make the rest of us look bad
  5. Yeah.... I agree unfortunately I'd say I'm slightly in that boat. I smoke everyday multiple times and on the rare date I'm out of bud and can't find any I can get decently stressed but I can handle it, It's just uncomfortable
  6. there's a difference though. weed = medicine, not an escape from reality. you can be psychologically dependent on anything. denying that, claiming that people can ONLY use bud as medicine is fairly ignorant. sure a lot of people use it as medicine, but i'm referring to these people which make the rest of us look like fools (at least until it's legalized :smoke:)
  7. Also, im psychologically addicted to bud. You are too OP.. Think about it, we have accounts on here. I would smoke weed all day every day if i could afford it, but the difference between us and those dumbasses on the show is that we can control ourselves

  8. Correct.. And if you read the rest of my post youd see that i said i smoke for non medical reasons xD
  9. i know but your first two statements were contradictory :smoke:
  10. I can see where youd say that lolol.. Like i said my sentences come out awkward

    Edit: that show on MTV is just propaganda.. They want us to think bud does that to your life, and they want to confirm peoples ignorant thoughts on bud
  11. i dont look at weed as a drug. i look as it as something that spruces up my life, something that improves the quality of it.

    like a nice cup of hot tea. or my ginormous coffee i drink in the mornings when im at work.

    can i go on without these things? yes. will it suck to go on without these things? yes.

    weed doesnt destroy my life. in fact, weed makes it much better.

    people that are "psychologically dependent" on weed, like the people on that bass-ackwards show, are people that should never try a hard drug in their life. its good that their "psychologically dependent" on marijuana.....can you imagine if they were addicted to heroin? they'de both be selling themselves on the corner giving handjobs for 5 bucks

    not trying to offend here, OP, but i am educated. i told ya, dont buy into that MTV garbage!!!
  12. for some it does. if you were smoking multiple blunts every day for years, your lungs would be toasted to shit. just because it's not cancerous doesn't mean your methods of smoking it aren't, which can cause longterm damage from your habit. im not saying weed is bad at all, as i previously stated it's medicine, but its people like these idiots that stur the propaganda and make people disagree with legalization. how can anyone disagree with that?

    no psychological dependence is good. sure i'd rather have them addicted to marijuana but that's aside from the point i'm making
  13. I'm addicted to the high of, but I have self control. It is called mind over matter. I am the kind of person (did it so I can show people wrong) Smoked 1 pack a day of cigs for 3 months. And quit cold turkey and have not smoked a cig for the past 13 months. Its all about who is stronger in the head and who collapses first

  14. First of all take the picture of that wrap off your sig man, its making me so hungry lololol

    But i dont think that it matters that much if you smoke blunts not too often, but if you smoke blunts as often as willie nelson smokes jays then youre certainly going to get cancer
  15. True life: I'm addicted to caffeine. No joke that's a real episode and might tell you the kinda shit mtv sensationalizes.
  16. i smoked nearly only blunts for almost 4 years. along with almost a pack a day.

    i quit smoking cigarettes for a year (about a year ago), and near the end of my quitting, i slowed down on blunts ALOT. i rarley smoke one lungs arent roasted to shit. they may not be lance armstrong lungs, but they're not that bad.

    you gotta quit assuming things, man. isnt that what started this thread in the first place, an assumption?
  17. #17 Tastytrichomes, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    quite true bro. congrats on quitting cigarettes ;)

    haha that's the point [​IMG]

    they've got a couple good episodes on there. like true life: i have a hot mom, true life: i'm allergic to everything, true life: i'm no longer gay


    i'm referring the original post. how could i possibly make an assumption like that without knowing you? chill out. and this thread has nothing to do with assumptions. it's about an opinion of how psychologically dependent stoners make the rest of us look bad by fueling anti-marijuana sentiment
  18. I could almost make the argument that it's propaganda. While you can be 'psychologically dependent' as you put it, I rarely will find someone that has to toke up all day. Note, I said has. Some people smoking on a daily basis and that's cool, but I don't find that many people that can't stand not smoking for a day or two. Cigarettes are much more addicting, anyone who has smoked cigarettes knows how powerful nicotine really is.

    The only people who say Marijuana is physically addictive are the people who have never truly been addicted to a substance. (such as nicotine)
  19. [quote name='"Vague"']I could almost make the argument that it's propaganda. While you can be 'psychologically dependent' as you put it, I rarely will find someone that has to toke up all day. Note, I said has. Some people smoking on a daily basis and that's cool, but I don't find that many people that can't stand not smoking for a day or two. Cigarettes are much more addicting, anyone who has smoked cigarettes knows how powerful nicotine really is.

    The only people who say Marijuana is physically addictive are the people who have never truly been addicted to a substance. (such as nicotine)[/quote]

    I agree.

    I'd like to smoke everyday, but I realize that I can't be spending a bunch of money on weed. Hence, my limits.

    But anything goes when I need a pack of cigarettes.
  20. #20 Zeroms, Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2012
    He wasn't psychologically addicted if it was blunts. The tobacco is what got him hooked. I'm not saying that weed isn't addictive, it's pretty habit-forming, but that was the tobacco mainly. It's the same over here in Europe. Everyone smokes weed mixed so they're hooked nasty, which gives a kind of "junky image" to potheads. If you smoke it pure people look at you as if you're crazy hahaha

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