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psychological disorders NOT supported for MMJ card? (anxiety)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by MisterPlow, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. I was looking at and it says they can no longer give MMJ recommendations for patients who seek it as a remedy for anxiety. So im wondering who here in Colorado (if anyone) has gotten a card and still has one due to Anxiety, or depression? Im also curious if this is the same in other MMJ legal states? Thanks
  2. i recently got my recommendation for anxiety in California. But also insomnia, nausea, chronic pain, and muscle spasm are associated with anxiety, or atleast for me. So, i don't really see how you can't get a recommendation for that.
  3. That organization must be operating based on the flawed research I studied.
    There is no research out there which definatively states/proves/demonstrates a positive correlation or direct causation between cannabis and anxiety, mania, psychosis or schizophrenia. Every study on this topic is flawed, has not enough participants, inadequate criteria and manipulated P-scores.

    It is my responsibility to review these studies, so I know.

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