i'm runnin kmeaw on 3.55, runnin so smooth i got it runnin on 40gb fat and 250gb slim. gaia manager and multiman 1.14. so what cfw are you runnin and what apps? any trouble with launching certain games? what games are fitting on external HDD? 8^)
the jailbreak allows you to run unsigned apps. the hottest ones being backup managers. what's a backup manager you ask? a backup allows me stick my game in my ps3 and copy it onto my hard drive aka piracy. look up fail0verflow ps3 on youtube, i love these nerds so much i would give them a handjob everytime i seen em.lol
blockbuster,game fly , any mom and pop rental store, your friends ps3 games, your neighbors, any ps3 game.90 percent of them work with out a single prob. 8^)
if your already on 3.56 then start prayin cuz as of now it's as useful as the 3.41 dongle would be for ya
How hard is it to install? Any damages to the PS3, warranty issues, etc? Can I play online with it? Can I delete them off my hard drive to free up space easily?
jailbreak is just a usb update install games is easy just pick your manager it's installed like a ps3 mini and press circle to copy 8^) that easy you can erase them from your manager with the square button
Unless you only play offline or know of a workaround that would allow you to skip the mandatory security updates this will be useless for you. However if you play offline then you may want to check it out
the proxy server hack or the dns trick will get u online both r real eazy DONT UPDATE all they do 9 times out of 10 is take away very rarely do they add features or stability , the last 4 updates were just to try and get rid of homebrew .