whenever i hold L1 down to aim, the left analog stick moves up in games, but not on the actual controller. so it's incredibly annoying to keep moving forward while aiming what can i do to fix this? i don't want to buy a new controller because PS4 is coming out soon
Best I can tell you is take the controller apart and press the L1 button and see what's moving when you press it or buy a used controller.
good luck man....something like this happen to me my ps3 controller took a beating right after getting MKombat tried everything...even throwing it against the wall ended up jus getting a new controller..imo worth it, the Ps4 wont be backward compatible and you might want to play your ps3 games still
FINALLY!!! someone tells me whether or not the PS4 is backwards comp. thank you. i halso have a bad controller. my OG black one. my daughters threw it alot. but yea. get a used one if 50 bucks for a new one isnt your thing. 'taint mine!!!
i will try it im currently looking for a screwdriver to fit in there.... i ordered a new one, standard dualshock 3 six axis black from gamespot, got 5-ish dollars off so in total its about 50 bucks and gonna take 5-10 days to get here anyone else think its sad so few games actually use six axis?
also does anyone have any games to recommend i buy? right now i have: Dead Space Dead Space 2 Resistance 3 Killzone 3 Ratchet and Clank HD Collection Red Dead i've played through bioshock 1, 2, and 3 same with assassins creed and uncharted is the mass effect series any good?
i couldn't even get the screws out man, they're in there tight as hell i don't even have that specific issue either.. i was unable to do it anyway oh well, new controller is on the way