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PS3 and black friday

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by thehighman, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Well heres the deal folks, I just ordered myself a new T.V. and want to get a ps3 but I have a question about Black Friday.

    The following stores are selling the ps3 slim 160gb for 200$, with ratchet and clank and LBP2: Gamestop, Toys R Us, and Best Buy, and Sears. My question for anyone who has done this Black Friday shit before, is what time should I go to wait in line? Do you think this will be a high priority item for shoppers or should I not really worry about it? Most of the stores open up at midnight, I just want to make sure I get this thing.

    Also what games should I start with? this is my first ps3 so earlier titles are welcome.
  2. I'm getting a ps3 during black Friday too. I'll probably head up to a gamestop at about 11:30-11:40 or so and I think I will be good.
  3. I was thinking of buying one but think i'll wait another year or two until they're cheaper.
  4. ^ Lol what

  5. ya so once u get the game, it will still be wrapped up in that shitty plastic, right? DONT OPEN IT, DONT do anything to it, go to nearest walmart and return that shit for a better game BF3. walmart will take games if unopened with out reciept, and give u store credit, now u can get a better game.

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