Protesters in Durham, NC topple Confederate Statue

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jane_Bellamont, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. I really can understand how you can be skeptical of that point but honestly it is a valid concern in my opinion. Like I said before, we don't have to worry about that possibility in our time but rather for future generations.

    If we allow our history to be erased/forgotten what will we do when we have to face those same problems again in the future without the lessons already learned from the past?

    Also, if we allow these statues and monuments to be removed because they offend some people, where is the line drawn?
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  2. I can just as easily ask what's solved in keeping them? "History"?

    No one knows if it would ease racial tensions. Maybe without constant visible reminders both sides can let this go.
  3. maybe thats why the president ran on MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
  4. I'd say about 5% of this issue is "history being erased". Most people realize there are other methods of passing on history besides staring at a statue. Such as actual museums, textbooks, non-fiction novels, historical articles, actual war-time weapons and letters. Monuments are one thing.

    Regardless, it will be forgotten one way or another. History could be repeated regardless if these statues stand as a "reminder". History shows you give people enough time to forget and history does repeat itself. Do you honestly think these statues are going to be the deciding factor in whether or not America enslaves again?
  5. I don't see allowing those statues to remain standing as a problem in itself therefore there is nothing to be solved. That's my opinion on it. As far as easing racial tension, I do not believe it will do anything to help. If the statues are the reason for all of the racial tension in this country, we have some very petty people in this country.

    What we need to do in this country is to talk to each other. We're all people with similar problems in life. We all need to eat. Some of us like to drink and smoke. Once we realize that we all have more in common with each other, we won't focus on our differences as much. Personally I like being around people who are different than me. It gives you perspective.

    I know for some people this won't matter. They will still view the people they hate as lesser than them and those kind of people have no interest in admitting how petty they are. Some people have shaped their identity around their beliefs and views on certain people. That will always exist because people are people and people are very petty and childish.
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  6. Never mind diff/sub
  7. Moreso, it WILL piss off millions of whites who actually are anti-slavery, don't descend from slave owners, and genuinely don't want the rest of Southern culture torn down, because slavery was one part of it and not practiced by most.

    I've worked in the South as a foreigner for a couple of years. I personally know about two dozen people who don't have a racist bone in their body, have multicultural friendships/relationships, but just like the vast majority of people on the planet are proud of the area they come from, even with the historical faults that they weren't around for.

    The current stance of the Left is that all those people need to be quiet, as cultural mementos across the South, even not directly related to slavery, are to be torn down.
    No wonder they are facing opposition and it doesn't surprise me that they'll continue to. I'm just glad I won't be around when the real rednecks decide they've had enough. There is entirely too many of them, and they've been chomping at the bits to let loose for a long time now. As it stands right now, those people did not take to the streets in serious fashion yet.

    I've heard and felt the drums of war first hand before, and there is absolutely nothing I've seen in the ranks of BLM or Antifa that will withstand the kind of firepower and military acumen diehard rednecks and right wingers possess.

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  8. That wasn't my point but I see how you came to that conclusion. I'll have to finish this post later. Duty calls.
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  9. #49 justalilcrazy, Aug 15, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
    This has been happening for years...the genocide of The United States of America. In attempt to keep everything PC and conform to everyone's feelings, this is becoming the norm. First kids are no longer able to say the pledge of allegiance in school. It's offensive to atheists. Then no crucifix is allowed in schools..offensive to Muslims and Buddhist families. I don't believe if I was in another country and protested that a religious or historical object offended me, would justify my actions destroying it, or that policy would change to accommodate me.
    Yup...everyone gets a ribbon.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
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  10. I could argue the people getting up in arms about their removal are petty. In fact I'd argue it's even more immature to tell people to "expect retaliation." This is an argument of feelings on both sides, not just one.

    I agree race needs to be discussed to learn about each other, and what makes each other tick.
  11. Beat me to it. Slavery is alive and well, it's just changed faces. Instead of white guys on horses cracking whips at black guys in fields we got rich politicians in fancy offices having their minions in the IRS mailing extortion letters to everyone. If 100% of your labor is slavery, at what percentage does it become just taxation and ok?
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  12. the big question is where does it stop spliff? Thats the point here. Where does it stop? Now we have mobs that just pull down statues whenever they don't like them. Whats next? Libraries that contain books they don't like? Censoring the internet (cough google cough) Burning down or blowing up museums?
    Criminal charges sought for protesters who toppled Confederate statue in North Carolina
    this was not something that was voted on by the people. No, this was an angry mob destroying things that we all probably paid for to begin with.
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  13. I edited the post
    Did not want it to go off track
    But I agree, we are all slaves to the very rich and the Government that controls the masses.
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  14. I'd like to throw a flash grenade into the room.

    I don't think they should have torn down the Robert E. Lee statue. They should have erected a statue of Col. Joshua John Ward bowing on his knees to MLK right across from it.

    Reveal yourselves, swine.
  15. The monuments should be moved from town centers to historic battlefield sites or museums. You can still preserve history without triggering violent snowflake mobs.
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  16. Nah man, fuck them. If you are so offended by a historical statue that you are incited to violence and destruction of property not belonging to yourself then I have no sympathy for these worthless wastes of air and they belong in cages like the savages they are.
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  17. The people who tore down the statue should be arrested, but these monuments are tacky and offend plenty of non-violent tax payers. There are so many better things to remember.

    "I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered." - Robert E Lee
  18. I'll still have to disagree. It's like the other blade said, no different than ISIS tearing down statues they don't like. I have less than zero sympathy for people who are offended by inanimate objects, especially when they destroy things they don't own. The whining and crying of offended SJWs doesn't even come near my radar of things to give a fuck about.
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  19. I see that slope you're on is quite slippery.
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  20. Do you think tearing down Hitler's statues was erasing history? Not saying it's analogous in this situation but clearly there is a line that is crossed where it's allowable to take down monuments if they're odious enough? Unless you think Germany should have kept its statues of hitler

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