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Pros & Cons of getting an MMJ card

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by lou13, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 lou13, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    I'm thinking of getting an MMJ card, but I would like to know what are the cons. I have heard a number of things about having a card, like student loans, or government jobs and stuff like that... Let me know!

    Big Lou
  2. So, I'm assuming from your post that you're a college student, so I guess I can share a little bit.

    I am also a college student, and I have my medical card right now. The way the law works in OR is that your card is confidential, unless you spill the beans as a patient. So, as long as you don't say anything, you should be ok.

    I don't talk to people about my status here, at all. I hope that's the way it stays, because I see that my card can be used as ammunition against me, or as an instant judgment call.

    I don't know if you work for state govt. if they scan for this stuff, but it's very possible. I would say that if you're working in a federal government job or are planning to work in a federal job, it's very probable, if not guaranteed (depending on security, I guess) that they search state records for your activity, and that would probably include whether you're an MMJ patient or not. That is my guess, but I don't know.

    Remember, there are no laws that prohibit discrimination based on your status as an MMJ patient, so if your job finds out, regardless of whether you're working for the government or not, your employer has every right to fire you. Also keep in mind that many (if not all...I'm not sure on this one...) government jobs require U.A.s for hire. :poke:

    If you don't pee clean, any employer has the right to fire you, regardless of whether you're a patient or not, so some other jobs are ruled out automatically. :(

    As far as loans/grants from the government go, as long as you don't get any marijuana-related charges on your record, you can still get loans and grants from the government. They aren't allowed to dig around for your information, so you're safe as long as they don't know about it.

    IMHO, the key here is secrecy. You need to keep your card as low-profile as possible. Know who to trust, who you can and can't tell. Remember, it's still not legal on a federal level, so you still need to be careful, you know?

    Good luck, and I hope this contributed something. :smoke:
  3. Wow, great reply tranquiltoker! I've had almost exactly the same experience. I'm a college student receiving financial aid and have had no problems. If anything I got my card because of my financial aid. Because if I get caught without one I get busted and my aid pulled, but if I have a card nothing goes on my record.
    other than keeping it from your employer/people you don't trust i've found nothing but good things have come from having my card. <3
  4. just get a card theyre awsome :smoke:

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