Need I say anymore?
Haha yeah I saw a similar poll yesterday. This is one of the reasons I don't affiliate myself with any party..the sheep do as they are told
Funny how at first republicans found it more acceptable than democrats, then when a democrat president does it it becomes the other way around.
I hate polls like this haha. People take the results too seriously and here is what I am wondering... who the fuck asked me? I never got asked to participate in this polling, and I am sure a majority of Americans werent either, therefore the results can not accurately reflect the views of all individuals in this nation. Another flaw is that in order to accurately represent a change in demographics then the exact same people polled in 2006 would need to be re-polled in 2013 to see if there was any real thought change. All that being said I do think that political parties have too much control over dictating peoples thoughts. I am proud to be an independent who votes for 3rd party and nothing else (minus a write in here or there) haha.
Indeed that could be one way to interpret the swing. Another could be; either party's followers may find it distastful, unless it's their party in control. They trust their party a lot more than the other and fail to stop the programs, even knowing full well that that they may not be the majority for long.
If the poll is done correctly, it can give a pretty accurate description of the population. And that doesn't mean you have to ask the exact same people twice. Quantative research has the advantage that it's (to a fairly high degree) representative.
I think I am just mad that I see all these polls that are designed to reflect the views of Americans yet not once have I been polled and I don't know anybody who has. And as an adult who goes to a liberal school in a city this is suprising to me because I know a lot of people.
Well there are what, 300 million Americans? I think these kinds of polls typically use like 1000-3000 respondents. I have to admit I don't know the methodology of this particular poll so I can't say whether or not it's representative. It could be skewed.
You are right that there are a ton of Americans and it would be really hard to poll everybody. I don't think that would really be possible. I just always wonder about what kind of demographics are polled and which ones are ignored when taking surveys like these.
This always happens when something is done. There's always more supporters after (insert anything) is passed/known about/whatever than there were before. That's why the state doesn't need any support for most things. They can just do it, even if unpopular, and after the fact it's accepted.
If the poll is done correctly, it can give a pretty accurate description of the population. And that doesn't mean you have to ask the exact same people twice. Quantative research has the advantage that it's (to a fairly high degree) representative. </blockquote> Not really. It is always flawed based on the sample group. If you did random phone Calls your sample group would be limited to.older people who answer there phone are are willing yo answer questions. If you ask randomly at Tue mall you'll get upper.middle class families mostly. If you ask at a school.... But. Usually they are online polls and are voluntary. They are advertised. The only.peiple who take those polls are people who tale.mainstream news super seriously. Mainly old indroctrinees Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Well they are of course never 100% accurate but you can diminish the flaws by diversifying your methods of data collection.
Well they are of course never 100% accurate but you can diminish the flaws by diversifying your methods of data collection. </blockquote> That's true, but you will always be excluding a significant portion of the people who just don't like taking survays. This trait may be common and.may coinside with other traits. What if.most.people who don't like taking surveys also were people who didn't like confirming. You'd end up not representing a lot if 3rd party political supporters Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Surveys can be very accurate, however they are also easy to manipulate intentionally or unintentionally. I have participated in sever proffessional research projects and if done right you can get a representative sample.
For myself the storage of the data is somewhat acceptable because everything is digital today. The Supreme Court has ruled and there the law of the land that a individual can not assume or demand any privacy to information that you transmit via a third party. There right. Once that internet packet leaves your computer you have no idea where its going. You gave up that right to privacy by broadcasting it being that anyone can buy gear to intercept it. What I do not agree with is no oversight at all or if the claims are true instant access to data. Im wise enough to know its not a zero sum game and that is about the best we can ever expect out of them. We can show our indignation all we want but realistically speaking that would be the best possible scenario we'd get out of all of his insanity. Its funny though that we complain yet prostitute ourselves like whores on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter. We all sign the Terms of Service and if you read it from anyone it basically says any and all data will be archived and its there property. 1/6 of humanity has Facebook. Then go to crazy programs like Foursquare and its brothers. We use them for no reason other then checking in to get to the top of a leader board. Then we link that information to our Facebook site. It shows a nice GPS location of where we are at. We tell the world our most imitate things on Facebook to a Global audience in mass then are concerned. If I was say someone designing something to acquire information and new nothing else I would assume from the trillions of posts a month, the information given by all of us collectively that you would not mind. Why would you? What the government is doing could easily be done by Facebook. They swear up and down no one has access to your information. If no one has access then why save it? Perhaps one day you or your kids will meet a interesting person from Facebook that wants something be it cash, favors if your powerful because he has a copy of the dirty messages you sent to some girl or boy and your married. Most of us are adults that are on here you guys should someday check out what the younger generation says on twitter or facebook. 50% of it is usually pretty startling and most of it is sexual. There finding that with Tumblr which is the most used site just about for under 25 its all porn videos and pictures. Who's to say that will not be used against them but not by the Feds but by those organizations. They will be angry but they signed the Terms of Service saying you agree with it.