Proof god exists

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Mr Skinner, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. (1) Wow how unlogical is that my friend. Unlike the rest of the creatures on this planet
    we humans have a larger neocortex, because of this we have unique neural capacities.
    The question you asked Sir is completely rhetorical and, I will explain why. Given our
    advanced neural capcities and our natural curosity it is not only natural but in a sense
    required to question our existence and origin. Also if we were to believe your answer to the
    question then how do you account for computers, telephones, technology etc... What I mean is these things
    didn't exist before we came upon the scene, we created these things.

    (2) Why is that so hard to believe. You believe that there is an invisible being living in some intangible place. What created
    this omnipotent,omnipresent, omniscient thing? And what created it? etc... I believe it is more plausible that through random
    chance life, the universe came into being.

    "What is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?"


    I've always found that to be funny, here's Douglas Adams view :

    The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one.
    Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense.
    I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do' I typed it out.
    End of story.

    Complete randomness. :)

    Sorry if my post doesn't make sense :smoking:
  2. So the fact that we're pretty complex means there has to be a creator? Not good enough for me.

    And as for the slim to none you mentioned: It is! That's prolly why we haven't found life on other planets...although a lot are inhabitable, each of those would have to get through the slim to none once again, so the probability is pretty close to zero, but still not zero, so there is a chance. So why can't it be chance?

  3. haha, man i was drunk wen i wrote that big tirade. . .but to try and keep my side of things going. . .

    So if you are relying on creation to be on the order of chance, then you also have to consider the chance that God or a creator exists as well. . .so the probability is pretty close to zero, but still not zero, so there is a chance.

    or maybe earth is just a huge alien experiment.:D
  4. another jesus, and id believe it. The power to walk around his entire life, and perform miracles, heal cancer patients in front of the court, so he wasnt called a loony. If he could perform mircles in front of anyone, then who woldnt believe it.

    Hell if we thought he was making it all up and staging it, (and god gave him permission to do whatever is necessary to make himself known without getting locked up or somen) then some random doctor the president chooses, calls "jesus" and tells him to come to hishospital with some incurable dude dieing, tells him to heal him. and does. There is no proof against that.

    thats what it would take for me to believe, but i do have faith, i believe in a higher existence, i just dont believe he is the reason for everthing, evolution is what i believe in, but i have faith in an almighty.

  5. can God microwave a burrito soooo hott, that not even he can eat it. now thats the real question
  6. You got that from the Simpsons and it really is a good question and i dont believe in god
  7. I will believe in God when i stand before him/her.
  8. to know God is to know and see the truth before you and seeing is not beleaveing . knowing within your inner being that what is God is a being beyond this earth and the human race , we are dust onto his being . yet we need only under stand the image he cast as his shadow is of us .............

    yes i have posted what happen to me when i was 7 years of age . i did in fact drown to death and call out to god . and he and save me and gave me this life i live now ......

    there is no proof and i need none . for i do not beleave , i know !

    what you ask is nothing more than a joke in a wide scale smile at others ..

    we have no proof of God yet wars have killed thousand apone thousand for a lack of proof ...true faith maynot need proof.. is all logic govererd by proof NO it is not !
  9. here's what i think (yes, i know i've posted on this before, but i've given it more thought)....people tend to learn things in a couple different ways. The big two that stand out to me are:

    1) someone teaches us and an idea/concept seems reasonable, so we adopt it and believe it
    2) we experience something firsthand (using our senses) that opens our eyes to how something works.

    in my opinion, i'd need one of those firsthand experiences, like the one the rainman! had. i think experienceing something firsthand via the senses is the only way to make me realize there's a god. There is no proof but living your life and possibly running into it along the way. Maybe for some people it's seeing something beautiful that makes them believe; maybe it's smelling a perfectly baked apple pie; maybe it's a near-death experience...maybe for some people the event just doesn't happen...

    well, there's my 2 cents
  10. ummm did anyone read my post? i think that solves the problem
  11. I think that the brain cannot completely understand the concept of God. I don't think that we were ever meant to have this supersticious backwater concept of God. Religion is here to make a path that people should follow by telling us what is good and what is bad and what is sin. If God is truly almighty and created the universe and everything in it then how can any carbon unit sin against such a greatness. The height of arrogance is when God is created in our image. I don't really understand what God is but it is my opinion that we should live our life trying to reach our maximum potential and deciding what decisions we should make and paths we should take based on all of our knowledge.

    If you guys want some answers to your questions watch this movie: "What the Bleep Do We Know"
  12. good point, homer.
  13. actually when you die your brain releases DMT which is a psychoactive chemical and causes you to have hallucinations such as seeing a white light at the end of a tunnel or your life flashing before your eyes. look it up
  14. you look it up . thats as dum ass thinking the human race knows what its doing lol . yes what you say is true about DMT but that has little to nothing to do with what i am talking about ... the brain is not the being with in it ...if a spirit is not a gost than the being is not a soul or body .... and what you said about flashes of light has been disproved . the nerve endings in the brain fire back and forth causeing the flashes of light ,i now i see them all the time . i have nerve damge to the brain ,and i have rare motion blindness . after 389 doctor ap & test . and 9 MRI's...i think i have a good idea of what i am talking about lol with it and than we can talk .....

    and street weed is the best right ...

    yes the brain can make light from with in and yes you can have hallucinations .your haveing one now if you think for one secound that science has all the answers . because they know a small part of what they think they know ..

    what makes you think that the human mind dose not create the DMT effect on its own and the death has nothing to do with the effect at all ......

    thats the fucked up think with all these smart ass science brains they think they get a taste of a theory and they think its got to be the only fact and it can be a reflection of nothing at all .....

    you fail to see beyond what other tell you ,, let them hand feed you . i can think for my self ....yes at death the brian dose release DMT and yes what you said was true but that dose not mean the being has anything what so ever to do with this stage of death and it out right dose not prove in any way that the being within us dose not live onward beyond this life , would you like something to read that states this . i have a list of 3700 books ....on life after death . my collection was lost in a house fire yet i still have the list and your more than welcome to learn something about the after death ....
  15. I got the point. You want to know what would make people believe in god, right?

    Well I'm telling you it doesnt matter. If you can be a good person, with or without the acknowledgement of god, then you're good to go.

    I have a cross hanging up right next to my computer because Jesus christ, messiah or not, is the person I'd like to be more like.

    I believe religion is man's way of trying to teach us how to morally conduct ourselves... And if you can reach unity with everyone and everything around you, then you've got nothing to worry about.

    Jesus Christ if he existed or not, was a man who walked around the desert telling everyone around him to love your neighbor and be a good person. If there is something wrong with that... Well fuck, I guess my thoughts on existance are wrong.
  16. the definition of proof really differs from person to person, however what really inspires me to truely believe is beautifully occuring scenes in nature. ie: Northern Lights, Grand Ganyon, beautiful mountain landscpae, etc. The widely accepted theory that everything originated from the Big Bang, and that all this beautiful scenery/technology/life could come from a random explosion seems...bewildering. All hard to say, but thats my .02
  17. ...ok...
  18. appoclypse?

    or god himself showing to more than 1 individual
  19. There was one article i read about a guy who ingested the largest amount of DXM i've heard of, and he said he kept hearing a voice saying "Don't do this to me again". Even though it may have been the DXM, considering the amount he took he should have died, and that gives a little credit to a greater being.
  20. still missed the point.

    When yer math teacher asks you what 3*3 you answer the same thing? That it doesn't matter? Honestly...get out of my thread if you have nothing to contribute. I asked a question, either answer it or get lost, dude. I do have a meaning behind my question. And you just try to fuck it up. Don't you see that?

    Again...I agree with you on yer views. But I'm doing some other kind of research here. And it can only succeed if people answer the question I posed. Get it? This isn't about god or whether god exists. It's not about moral issues.

    Maybe this helps: I'm trying to find out certain things about the human mind, that's my field of interest, that's why I work on a mental ward. I wanna know what makes people believe in god, what makes'em so sure there is one. And you answering 'we all have to do good deeds and live by a set of moral rules' doesn't help my research. Get it? I wanna know what makes humans believe in god. That's why I asked the simple question: What would be proof enough for YOU? Not 'do you believe?' or 'how do you think we should live?'. This is simply not a thread on religion, it's a study of the human mind. Get it now?

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