This is my first post here but I've been reading the forums for quite a while. I have already tried using the search function to answer my question with no luck. As a matter of fact, I haven't had any luck with finding info anywhere on my inquiry. My 6 clones (2-AK 47, 2-trainwreck, 2-skunk red hair) that I've vegged for about a month now are ready to be tranplanted into 3-5 gallon pots for flowering. So, I went to the grow store and bought some ProMix, as that's what I always used to use 5-6 years back when I Was growing last. The bag I got is labeled: ProMix Mycorrhizae, not ProMix BX Mycorrhizae and not ProMix HP Mycorrhizae. So, my questions: first off, has anyone used this as their medium? What is the main difference between the regular and the other two products (HP and BX) in regards to growing cannabis? Any tips or experiences you'd like to share? In All of the searching i have done on this forum and the Internet in general, the discussion is always between ProMix BX and ProMix HP. Many people have talked about how they have had pH issues with ProMix and I'm worried since I don't have much experience in correcting pH problems in all the past grows I have completed. I suppose I have been lucky in the past cause the three grows I have done all went well. This time, though, I am planning on trying to do a perpetual harvest SOG grow (I've got 4 clones of each plant in the humidity dome and close to rooting) and I want to make sure everything goes perfect. One last thing; should I see about exchanging my 2.8 cf bag of ProMix Mycorrhizae for either the HP or BX since that is what most cannabis growers seem to use? Thanks in advance for any help.
ProMix Mycorrhizae is the reg has nothing special n holds water quite well ProMix Mycorrhizae hp is high perosity, meaning more airated and will help with drainage and root growth ProMix Mycorrhizae bx is there version that hold mass water because of xtra vermiculite id go with the hp
Thanks for the reply but I guess in this instance, google is wrong. I went to a resource that I should have tried from the get-go: I called premeire's 800 number. The guy I spoke to told me that it is actually a mistake that my bag does not have "HP" or "BX" on it. He told me to look at th bottom of the bag and there is a code number after the manufactured date stamp. He said if that code begins with a "1" then it is BX, if it begins with a "2", then it is HP. He said that a "1" or "2" would be the most likely digit that it would begin with but they also have other products that may start with a "4, 5, 6, or 7". He also told me that it is something they are working on; to make sure that their plants change that use the same generic "Micorrhizae" bag for all their diff products. Anyways, I thought I'd post up this info for anyone else that was curious. You can call them yourself as well at 1-800-525-2553
im not sure if my soil is bx or hp but i use promix mycorrhizae and i have no problems. i use along with the FF nutrient schedule! is a very airy mixture it drains nicely i also mix in some perlite with it. is fantastic soil Mr Kindhunter
Thanks for the reassurance. I'm gonna be doing almost the exact same thing: add a little perlite, feed with a combo of fox farm nutes and occasional guano tea. I'm still worried that I may face pH problems eventually given that peat based mediums become very acidic but my tap water is 8.5 or above so maybe it will balance out with the pro-mix? I'm also worried about my tap water possibly harming the mycorrhizae since my city uses chloramine (which doesn't dissipate by sitting it out for a day or two). I am currently researching methods to remove the chloramine from my water but I'm also gonna give the ProMix ppl a call tmrw and ask them if the usual chlorine/chloramine levels in tap water are even high enough to harm the beneficial mycorrhizae in their mix. I will be sure to report back here after talking to them.
I talked to premeire tech again today. They told me that city tap water does not have High enough concentrations of chlorine/chloramine to harm the beneficial mycorrhizae in ProMix. Furthermore, the guy told me that even the high chlorine levels in pool water would not be dangerous enough to kill the beneficial bacteria in their mix. I was very happy to find this out because I was preparing myself to drop quite a lot of dough on a solution to my tap water problem (R.O. Filter or buying distiller/purified water).
[quote name='"WhiteLightWH"']I talked to premeire tech again today. They told me that city tap water does not have High enough concentrations of chlorine/chloramine to harm the beneficial mycorrhizae in ProMix. Furthermore, the guy told me that even the high chlorine levels in pool water would not be dangerous enough to kill the beneficial bacteria in their mix. I was very happy to find this out because I was preparing myself to drop quite a lot of dough on a solution to my tap water problem (R.O. Filter or buying distiller/purified water).[/quote] Personally I think that's crap, and " in there mix" seems like there hinting other mixes have weaker bacteria that couldn't handle it,, I could be wrong but I'd search out another source of info before taking there advice as truth,, just saying, why would they tell you anything but what you want to hear?
Did some light reading and everything I can find says it will kill off bacteria ,, and that's the reason they put it in city water,, for best reading look into non marijuana sources, and if you find anything from somebody other than promix saying its decent to use tap please share and I'll check it out as I could totally be wrong
I suppose your skeptical point of view is better than just blindly accepting what premeir tech told me; I guess I just assumed that they seem to be a pretty reputable company that many growers use and that they wouldn't Blatantly lie like that. But you are totally right, I should still do my research and in the end it may be better to err in the side of caution rather than take their word for it.
I use Pro mix hp. We get It cheap from local nurseries. Fuck grow shops. I love it, but I add extra Perlite. I prep the ProMix with bini tea, worm castings and plant. Never had any issues. I may go back to sunshine #4 because it has extra perlite in it. Good Luck with the Ladies. P.s. I always use R/O water for My Plants and Beni Tea Mixes. My City Water sucks salty Balls.
Hillbilly Jim, do you use the R.O. Water as is, without any pH adjusting when you water your plants in ProMix? If so, does that cause any pH issues for you? I'm trying to decide whether I will start off adjusting my water down to 6.0 or if I should just go ahead and water with neutral 7.0 water.
My water comes out at 6.5 from the R/O. The poo/bini tea does not seem to effect My pH much, just the ppm. The only good thing about Detoit city water is the pH is spot on. I dont think 7pH water will hurt, but I like 6.5 all the way. Im only using 5 gal pots and im growing around 40 inch plants with 3 - 4 waterings a week. I do add perlite to get the extra waterings in per month. Good Luck. If You need Nutrients I recommend Fox Farm because it works and you get a good Bang for your Buck.
Erm guys, can I make my own mix lol.. I have vermiculite perlite dolomite already. I can't seem to find peat moss and mycorrhizae in my country zzz... I have to import and it's exp
Ok guys I've decided to transport Mr pro mix to my home.. I have extra perlite dolomite and also vermiculite.. so what should I do with it? I've done some research some say add more perlite some say add more dolomite. I even have coconut husk..