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Progression with herb

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. OK, soo, im high, sitting here and thinking about how you all progressed through the stages....Well, this past week I have been a major pothead, I just smoked and couched it all week, now im like getting more used to the high so I go out more and do stuff, and its usually tons of fun. So, anyways, its cause ive been smoking for like 2-3months and I already have a double chamber piece, my own little stash of nice buds, grinder w/screen, and im always toking before anything now.....Am I progressing too fast? Am I supposed to take it slower or something? All I can think of is that I enjoy thinking alot when im sober, but when im high, its like a new dimension of thought, one that has no limits and can bend into whatever you imagine. Its like I want to just take a fucking 2 week vacation of being high all the time, this will let me investigate my mind more and hopefully gain some knowledge or some sort...bro im soo fucking baked and tired....:wave::smoke::smoke: i got them droopy eyes...
  2. Hey man if you enjoy being baked 24/7 then by all means be baked. I've been doin it for about 5 years now and I love it. Blaze on
  3. I'm in the same postition as you.
    I think we started around the same time as well.

    I love where it's goin for me.
  4. Hell nah, thats just coming to appreciate the finer aspects of the herb faster than most.
  5. Ya, Ive just started smoking and have been so for about 4 months, your doing just like me, as I get more used to my high I realize everything I do while im high is 10x better than if I where not high...its great what herb has made me realize...:smoke:
  6. So long as you can pay the bills, find a roof, eat, and shit then by all means go for it.

    I can't go for more than 3 days smoking. I HAVE to take space it out for a day or two or a week. Personally, I'm a mover and shaker, and I need shit done that requires a clear head. I get trippy thoughts and shit, but not my line of work. If I wanted to improve my life, I'll go for Adderall.
  7. As long as you do the drug and the drug isn't doin you, toke on!
  8. As long as you dont start fucking up your life your fine. Many people cant handle drugs and take it to far, those people are junkies. If you can control it then your good to go. Also sense your knew the ultimate goal is never ever slip up and get caught by the cops.

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