Progress posts!

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by cdutchiee, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. I'm workin on getting my Stoney ass off the couch more often, and trying to get fit and back into shape! I'm gunna post some progress pictures throughout the next few weeks and would love to see yours as well :)

    The first picture is from two weeks ago and the second picture is now! I do 60 squats a day, 30 push ups a day, and some light yoga and core workouts as well! So far I've noticed improvement in my flexibility and strength.

    Buds, beaches, and bootys <3

    Attached Files:

  2. Actually some very transparent results, how do you feel? Nothing quite like making progress you can see AND feel. Maybe I'll get off my butt and show my results from 2 rounds of p90x. Basic overview: 240lbs down to 195, was a completely different looking person.
    I'm currently at 180 though, doing my own lifting and cardio routines - participated in my first Spartan race last summer.

    I feel like a much better person all around since changing my health related habits.
  3. I've always been really really thin naturally, so the improvements I feel in my body tend not to show as distinctly as they do fr others! But I'm definitely looking to the more and build more muscle. I've definitely felt a lot of improvement in my ass and thighs, but they are my biggest focus most of the time

    Buds, beaches, and bootys <3
  4. Also I've been so tempted to take up p90x but I know it'll kick my ass!!

    Buds, beaches, and bootys <3

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