Program to level volume levels?

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by Highbinder, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. For my music collection? It's really annoying to have shuffle on and have a random song play too quiet or really loud compared to the majority. Anyone know of a program to level out all the volumes?:smoking:
  2. Itunes does it automatically. Just go to itunes < preferences< playback< check the box for "sound check" and you should be good.
  3. a simple google search coulda got you an answer, but ill be nice
    try mp3gain. super easy and works pretty good if i recall (i havent used it in a long time)
  4. What you're hearing is due to the differences in mastering most likely. I hate the loudness wars...That's why I don't squish the damn shit out of everything when I master tracks.

    Remember though if you're listening to MP3s there is also more compression...tons of compression as well compared to untouched wav files. I am quite positive it is due to the mastering done to each song though. Every mastering engineer does it differently and if it's not terribly loud it means they did a good job because there is still a dynamic range <3. Just turn up your speakers, that's the whole point of not squishing the dynamics out of everything and making it sound like shit. :D

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