So my friend (we will call him John) started professional school 2 weeks ago (not medical school or business school), and although he is really enjoying it, he is missing the feeling of finishing all his work and being able to relax with a smoke, like he used to do in college. It kept him going strong, and it really kept his stress level down. His professional school is extremely high stress due to the enormous work load laid upon him, and he is telling me that perhaps if he smoked once a week or so it would help him to relax a bit and have something to look foward to at the end of the week besides just getting piss drunk with his friends. Has anyone ever tried this in an intense, professional school setting, or have any input or opinions for John? Originally he wanted to give up smoking for professional school for reasons not even that clear to him anymore, but he is starting to think that maybe he was using smoking as a scapegoat and there is no reason to worry about its interaction with intense academic competition as long as it is done within reason and used responsibly.
i think your friend sounds like the perfect candidate for a little after (or before) class smoking. personally, i smoke whenever i am stressed at school, which is nearly all the time lol. im in an intensive fine arts program and im normally working about 6 hours a day in class, and then another 10 or so outside of class, either in my studio or at my place. i am nearly always under some kind of deadline and often have 4 or more major projects to finnish for the same week. and by project, i mean either a sculpture or painting. i think hed find smoking a big help in spliting his time between relaxation and working. i personally do nt like to go out and drink during the year at all, it totally throws me off my studies for that night and the next day. drinking just sucks really (binge drinking) but smoking on the other hand, fosters creativity and really dramatically lowers stress. tell him to light up a doobie and relax next time hes got a major deadline. i take regular doob breaks during class and while pulling 48 hour power sessions at the studio.
I'm gonna be in the same basket in 4 years.. Just started my freshman year but I'm already only smoking after my work is completed/evenings, and all day on the week ends Should work out..
tell him weed isn't gettting in the way of his life, like he thinks it is. you know people who don't smoke also have problems.
i think a lot of people use weed as a scapegoat and blame anything wrong on their weed smoking habit.