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Professional athletes and POT

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Blazyn420, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Michael Phelps proved you can be a head and the greatest Olympian ever at the same time. #LEGALIZEIT
  2. i enjoy eating gummy bears :bongin:
  3. While Michael Phelps was caught smoking a bong, doesn't really make him a 'head lol. This is just my opinion but I doubt someone that has as much training as him, he's a little busy to be toking, could be wrong :smoke:
  4. Yeah that's what my wife said too. My thought was who starts with a BONG? Usually joints and blunts are the intro and then you start rippin tubes. Anyways Id like to think he was high the whole time. #potpower
  5. Seems everything we do is captured on a card somewhere. I mean even you are at a part people taking so many pics of all the others. That's wrong. and what about doing a deal in a parking lot w/ all the digital video security cameras. Yes we are being watched.
  6. Someone on this forum said that phelps during his college days was a avid smoker & that they knew that cuz their friends knew him well & that hes really chill ... I forget what college I think usc or ucla something like that
  7. Well I hope this place isn't watched Mr classic paranoia. Heads are usually chilled people so Phelps is cool.
  8. I doubt Phelps is a true pothead. Cardio is one of if not the most important attribute for a swimmer, and let's be honest smoking weed regularly doesn't help a whole lot with that.
  9. Atheletes should smoke pot because why not lol :smoke:

  10. Phelps went to the university of Michigan so idk if that's to true

  11. Several of our 'best of the best' athletes, those picked to represent us for their superior and impressive skills, have been disqualified due to cannabis after failing drug screens. Sometimes before events, sometimes after winning the gold.

    At least one female athelete in recent news (a runner I think, but could be mistaken) admitted that the new tests made it harder to pass, and that in years past, she "normally stopped for a week, then picked back up again"... making it sound like smoking several-times per week, was not all that unusual. :)

    Most of them may not sit down and smoke all day long, like some of us (or maybe they do!) but however much they use, it doesn't seem to hurt the very best athletes in the world all that much.. in fact, us smokers tend to have greater lung capacity than non-smokers.

    Funny enough, comparatively, they usually equate the cannabis smoking, lung capacity phenomenon, to the lung capacity developed by professional swimmers.

    If it was Phelps' capacity they were comparing it to, maybe now we know why :p

    On a related topic, they're actually considering removing cannabis from the list of prohibited drugs they usually screen for, during and prior to the olympics...

    Cannabis May Be Removed from Banned Lists by Sports Anti-doping Agency - Yahoo! Sports

    Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels than non-smokers
  12. He probably retired so he could smoke more.
  13. BKS pulled a granny on us :D
  14. [quote name='"hoven561"']

    Phelps went to the university of Michigan so idk if that's to true[/quote]

    Damn then we got ourselves a liar a big fat liaar on this here forum . Now I'm curious as to who posted that . Fuck it to lazy to check :gone:
  15. Don't NBA players smoke on the regular? Before games and everything? I could be wrong but I don't think the NBA tests for marijuana because a lot of players would test positive.

    Personally I smoke every time before I play soccer and it improves my game tremendously.
  16. blazing up before soccer makes everything so much better. :bongin:
  17. Just was at DC United game and there wasn't enough trees in a forest to make that game interesting.
  18. Wow good find in reference to:
  19. HAHAHA i didn't read the name of the poster and just assumed it was granny until i saw your post. hahahah

    that's what i would say too.

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