Procrastination and things

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cannibasity, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 Cannibasity, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I've always been the guy that breezed through everything without a sweat being shed.. I have lost my ambition.. I dont wanna get up and do anything.. I always wait tell the last minute to worry about things and it's ruining my life.. I got nice threads that I thought of but because of my lack if ambition to move my lazy ass from one room to another I rather forget it.. Smh And it seems nomatter how hard I try to change that.. It always comes back to me..I've tried changing my daily routine to include some productive shit but it fails..I'm not out of shape either and I'm young.. So it can't be I'm getting old.. Its been nasty out for a couple weeks now and I haven't been going to the gym as much just being so lazy and unproductive.. Ugh.. I guess it's because I'm tooooo fucking chill! with everything.. It's becoming hard to even hold a conversation without the other person asking me if I'm paying attention or not.. When I amm.. im just stone ponder faced and dazed in the introspect. I'm just not gesturing back, knodding or saying "uh hu, Em hm, right," I'm listing but in my own way.. sometimes conversations feel like their coming from a much deeper extension.. And it hits me harder.. Like "woah I'm nit saying what I'm saying I'm really saying what I mean in my head" and it's being taken deeper by the person I'm conversing with..

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