Need a little help engineering this ghetto ass vape. It has potential to be cool... shit just started melting on my 1st clinical trials. Cheers!
1) maybe you could find a glass material or buy metal pipes 2) you probably should not use aluminum , maybe copper or stainless steel. 3) a better fit and maybe get some silicone sheet and either glue it on the glass or the funnel thing.
Response to #1 Stainless steel has a low thermal conductivity, which it essential. The base of the pipe will be resting on plastic, so the material I need must not melt the base plastic. Can I buy stainless steel pipes from Lowes or Home Depot? If so, what's the general price range for a 2" diameter x 5" tall. Response to #2 What's bad about aluminum? I'm having a hard time finding reliable resources for the health hazards of oxidation for aluminum & copper. Both metals seem ideal, due to the high thermal conductivity. Copper has almost double the thermal conductivity, however, the issue is being able to find & purchase a the shape I need for the Heat Transfer Plate.
1) no idea on the prices , maybe their website will give you a clue. 2) Alzheimer autopsies shows a higher level of aluminum , It's only correlative evidence that supports it, so not yet proven. I just kinda have a bias to be extra careful. Maybe you could get a thin copper sheet and cut the shapes you want or some copper foil and fold them for preferred thickness.
I just thought of something with aluminum. The hookah lounge I worked at used aluminum to place the hot coals on. I'm thinking this probably should be ok?? I'm still hesitant.
LOTS of new problems today... I'll post them a little bit later when I fully understand how to put all the challenges into words.