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Problem with xbox one.

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by MandalaSmoker, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. My xbox will power on from anywhere to 10 seconds to a minute and then will shut off.I went through support and it passed all the tests for problems.

    I call geek squad, go up there and plug it in and it works.He said my hoise does not have enough power.Uhh it is old (60's) but it has been working up until now.

    What are some solutions or suggestions I could try?
  2. is it plugged directly into the wall? that is recommended.
    call 18004myxbox :confused_2: :bongin:
    call an electrician and make sure your wiring is up to date, unless you want
    to take out a huge insurance policy on your home and wait for the electrical
    fire to happen on its own.
    The choice is yours!
  4. #4 bluntmanIVXX, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    you gotta blow in it man :smoking:
  5. Go on a hike with a pack of joints and a few brews, you will forget about your game station. :smoke:
  6. Dont take your xbox to geek squad.

    Call microsoft.


    Sent from my XT1080 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. Thanks for the answers yall.I am exchanging it and getting another one.I did call Microsoft and the guy was nice.They ship an xbox one to you and then you send your old one . At least in this case.

    I rent and yeah the landlord is a bit hard headed and I always have to threaten to not pay to get shit done.Hell it is fucking 34 and we don't even have gas lines hooked up all the way.

    I pay alot of money in rent for my state and location for a shit house but it is a place to live.I've also been dealing with an idiot of an ex friend that thinks people are chasing him due to drugs.....delusional as can be.He was trying to get his kids back.

    I fucking can't stand people that have kids and do that kinda shit.It is hard enough dealing with my mistakes and this guy is a hindrance to everyone around now.Glad I'm taking steps to make sure my life never ends up in a mess like that.It is already messy enough.
  8. It is called life, welcome a board. A lot of not so good humans around.

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