Okay so heres the deal, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on sunday, and I remember being able to use the internet, then yesterday when i tried to connect(I am on a college campus, and the networks use SafeConnect). I kept getting prompted to download the Policy Key for it that would give me access to the network. The only problem is the Policy Key is a .exe installer and they don't have any linux compatible versions. So I called the IT department on campus and they didn't really get what i was telling them i guess cause they were trying to get me to install this program that would let them remote access my computer and see what was going on. Oddly enough about 10 minutes after getting off the phone with them(my problem still unresolved) The internet just started working. So i was able to use it fine for the rest of the day again. Then today the same thing happened as yesterday, I kept getting prompted to download the Policy Key for SafeConnect. So I again decided to call the IT department, and this time I talked to someone different, and more helpful. What he suggested(and it made sense to me-I think he may have confirmed this too) That on the network-likely because i have a dual boot set up with Windows 7 also- My computer is still being detected as a windows based operating system and therefore am being prompted to download file for windows. There is a system set up for if the computer is detected as a linux computer to just be prompted for a userid and password, but as I said before this is not the case. So i was wondering if anyone knew any workarounds for the SafeConnect thing, or if theres anything i can do so that it will recognize the computer as a linux machine, and subsequently give me the right prompt when I try to use the internet. Thanks for any help
Well its not really a browser issue, i'm currently using chrome, and i've tried firefox and thats not the problem the problem is basically what i said in the original post, the network is reading my computer as a windows computer and prompting me to download a windows exe file in order to authenticate on the network, i made another post about a work around that i found that isn't really working but its cause it undoes my changes whenever i succesfully connect to the network.. but yeah... *EDIT* Oddly enough this kind of worked more of a temporary thing, but if I use chrome and sign in on the thing there, then it will prompt me to download that policy key thing, then i leave that open and open firefox, then it will redirect me to the school webpage(which refreshes or resets to that about every minute or so). then while firefox is open i close the chrome i had open before then open a new chrome, and then close firefox and then i have internet on chrome... lol but hey it works for the day until it resets the authentication thing lol.