ive been growing for a few years, and ive seen most problems with my plants, but ive never seen anything like this before. its rained approx. 8-12" here in the last 2 weeks, and my 2 month old plant was waay too wet, the leaves were all drooping, and the lower leaves were turning yellow, with spots of necrosis, so, i brough it in for a few days, and took it back outside. now the problem is so much worse. the first 4 nodes have died and fallen off, and there has been no new growth. i put a few more holes in the planter, hoping to help it dry out. im sorry i dont have any pics, ill try and take some this evening. is it possible that it has been over-watered? what are the bonafide signs of root rot? ive naver had it, so i dont know what im looking for. if you guys have any questions for me, please ask. ive already lost 12 seedlings to bugs, and i dont wanna lose a 2 month old plant, in the middle of may and not even know what killed it.thanks.