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Problem finding dank.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Broskiiii, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. So I'm from western Pennsylvania and I've been buying from the same dealer for a few months now because he always has high mids. Lately I've been looking for some fire and have tried several dealers but to no avail. I was hoping someone could enlighten me as to whether it's just difficult to find around here or if it's me?

    Also I have yet to locate a head shop around here. The only place i can find that sells equipment is a flea market and the glass is extremely over priced. Any help here?

    Thank you for any answers and happy tokin' :)
  2. Welcome to the hell that is my life.
  3. When you are smoking with someone else, and you notice they have dank, then ask them to hook you up [only if it's appropriate]
  4. Hmmm, well you could ask your friends, or depending on how close you are with your guy, even your dealer could point you in the right direction. I know my guy would tell me if anyone in town had anything good, he's the shiz though... he deserves dealer of the year.
    Aaaaanyway, good luck finding the dankity dank

    Happy toking!
  5. tell your dealer everyone is done with his tired ass weed and if he doesnt pick up some fire your gonna pound his ass prison style
  6. man i ran into the same problem, always running around trying to find a dealer and at that one that doesnt rip you off, man just hang in you will find a hook up and as for the glass problem if you are of age you can always buy shit from the internet, but hang in man
  7. I appreciate the help, I think I'll go with the asking my dealer for higher quality stuff we're pretty close. I just don't want it to come off as I'm putting down the herb he supplies.

    As far as ordering my glass goes, when the package comes will I have to sign for it or will they leave it on my porch? I'd rather not have my mother find it as she has been known to open my mail without permission.
  8. Only if you're ACTUALLY of age to legally buy a piece do I advocate this; send it to a trusted older friend's house.
  9. I used to live in Pittsburgh for most of my life. Just recently moved to Ohio. I could never find good dank in Pittsburgh, probably because I didn't know the right people. I heard the great weed was around the Pittsburgh area too. Just all depends on who you know
  10. If someone said that to my dealer he'd kick your ass real fast

  11. this isnt the yay game, no one is afarid of pl who deal weed sorry

  12. That made zero sense. Nah dude around here everyone's snitches. My dealer doesn't deal with that shit.
  13. [quote name='"TimSmokes420"']

    That made zero sense. Nah dude around here everyone's snitches. My dealer doesn't deal with that shit.[/quote]

    Lol oh the irony

  14. He meant that this isnt coke (yay) and that no one (most people) selling weed aren't gonna kill you for asking if he knows a place to get dank.

  15. at least this guy gets the picture
  16. lol, right. funny how he misunderstood you...Also, don't worry about asking for better stuff, I'm sure your dealer knows it's not the best. If he's saying it is . . Find a new connect. Ounces of good weed start at 100 and end at 280.

    Since I have my cannabis card now, I can get ounces to smoke on for 100to 160. Literally top quality, I have had top shelf 18/g bubbalicous girlscout cookie and the weed from the grower has some very potent purple. very dense easily 20%-23% thc hands down.

    THe oz of the high mids are in the 13%-18% range dont need to smoke much to get high either.

    California yo
  17. With the flea market thing , just talk the guy down to a lower price . You gotta be able to negotiate
  18. just go befriends a crackwhore an shell show u wer to get sum aswell as bust ur nuts for u:)
  19. hear ya there. in my area of southern california it seems that most dealers are trying to slowly sell shittier weed for higher prices. only got one connect with the bomb shit at 40-45 bucks an eighth
  20. get a card u fool. lol

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