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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zero_Skater920, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Heres a tip for all you apprentice tokers. DONT GET IN TROUBLE WITH THE POLICE. its kind of common sense but i didnt realize how gay the legal system really was until i got arrested. i'd rather not say what i did but it was dumb and i was on 8 mg of klonopin so i dont even remember that night. but to cut to the chase PROBATION SUCKS DICK! i get randomly piss tested and if i fail one more test im gonna be sitting in jail. god i want to toke so bad but i dont want to go to jail cuz then i'll miss my classes for college and ill probably lose my job. Probation blows so my advice to you is to stay out of trouble and avoid the police. and if anyone has advice on how i can pass my piss tests that would be really awsome. Happy toking everyone! Burn one for me :smoking:
  2. aaaw man i can't imagine how shit it must be to be randomly piss tested and have the thread of prison looming over you and then on top of that not being able to toke, would be fucking horrible!
    i'll be smoking a fat head tonight for ya haha :smoking:
  3. #3 kpiN, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    8mgs of kpin? holy shit man. whatd you end up doing to get yourself in trouble?

    ohmy bad didn't see the part where you didn't wanna talk about what you did
  4. [quote name='420stonedpanda']aaaw man i can't imagine how shit it must be to be randomly piss tested and have the thread of prison looming over you and then on top of that not being able to toke, would be fucking horrible!
    i'll be smoking a fat head tonight for ya haha :smoking:[/QUOTE

    haha thanks dude i hope you have fun with that fatty

  5. well... my dumb ass and a few friends of mine were going into unlocked cars and ended up finding those k pins so we were taking them like crazy throughout the night and we split up and my friends got busted so i kept texting one of them and the cop took her phone and texted me to meet her at the park by my house. oh by the way it was like 430 in the morning when this happened. so i get to the park and all of a sudden theres a cop tackling my ass and putting cuffs on me. he hit me so hard that all the shit i had in my sweatshirt pocket fell out. luckily the k pins were stashed at my house. but overall i totally regret that night and i appologized to every person i stole from. since then i have learned my leson and i've never stolen anything since. if i find out anybody is doing the same shit i was i will find you and kick the shit out you. so the lesson is DONT STEAL. unless its from walmart. fuck walmart
  6. haha, yeah walmart has lost some money because of me, but probaly got it back because how much i spend there too, fuck it, its a corporation.
  7. To the O.P. Look into Jwh-018. I've been on probation for about a year and a half and this shit works great. I never dropped dirty because of it. and it's a pretty decent replacement.

  8. Yup fuck corporations
  9. Nah fuck Wal-Mart because of the way they treat their employees, the native ones and the ones overseas. Also because they destroy mom and pop businesses that have been around for years and years who can't compete. Fuck Wal-Mart because they are a corrupt corporation, not just because they are a corporation.

  10. goddamn, im sure you didn't remember a thing lol, i tend to forget shit when i just take 3 mgs

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