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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Southern Smoke., Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey there GC, Southern Smoke here.
    I was put on probation yesterday and since the charge was from when i was 17 (im 18 now) they put me on juvenile probation. From what i've heard the probation im on is more strict then adult probation. so i was wondering if anyone has any idea how often they drug test you or check up on you or whatever they do? they really wouldnt tell me any details. they just told me i couldnt hang out with anyone until i get approved friends and i have to be at my home from 6P.M. to 6A.M. . They also said i couldnt do any drugs. or anything illegal or ill go to jail.

    and also im curious about legal highs or buds.
    i've researched it quite abit and its a 50/50 thing some say it does jack shit and some people even went as far to say it was a "trip"
    the best one as far as i can tell form my research is something called "spice"

    Thanks GC, for all the advice and help.

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