Probation Question- Need answered ASAP

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AshTRE, May 5, 2009.

  1. I was charged with possession and paraphernilia. It has been pending for awhile due to court. I have not had court yet. I am positive I will have probation and have to drop.

    Since I haven't even had court yet (to come in a week or more) do you think that I can safely smoke MJ? If it tests positive for drug use when I drop, can't I just say it's from that night I got caught and it's still in my system?
  2. Yeah as long as you dont smoke on Probation
  3. 1. when is your court date?
    2. when did you get caught?
  4. DO NOT SMOKE ANYTHING FLUSH YOUR SYSTEM NOW!!! ive been where you are they will ask for your donation so ta speak, also dress good it helps
  5. Dosent matter, you can drop dirty on your first test.
  6. yes you wont get in trouble but if you were arrested 3 months ago it will look very bad, and your goal is to convince your probation officer that you are a changed man.
  7. I don't know when my court date is.

    Let's say I smoke this Friday night. Then say I drop a week later. The piss test comes up positive, but I say it's still in my system. A week later and it's still positive though, would it not? BUT if the THC level is lower, aren't I okay?
  8. Look guy, you need to be careful. If your going to be smoking out, make sure you don't make the same mistakes as last time and get picked up. I think you need to know how to smoke without getting caught and arrested before you continue to smoke.

    Answer- Yes, you can smoke Friday night. How long ago were you arrested and when should the court date be?

    Most likely they won't test you at the court date and you probably already gave them urine when you got arrested. Whether you would pass a test on the day of your court date really makes no difference towards your punishment.

    MAKE SURE YOU DON'T GO TO COURT STONED. Probably you will have your court date, get put on probation and a month later you will meet your probation officer and get tested. It's not anything fun or anything you'd like to be doing with your time, so be more careful next time(this time).
  9. I'll have a week or two before court, then more time before the actual piss drop.

    How long do you think I'll have from after court to the first time dropping?
  10. Use english or I won't respond to you.

  11. Don't be so myopic. I am simply asking of the usual length of time between after the court date and before dropping my urine.
  12. Why don't you just like, not smoke so you dont have to worry about it lols
  13. Most likely 1 month, that way it will have been 2 months and you should be clean.

    It will probably be 1 month after that you will meet your PO. For me atleast, I smoked up until the court date and smoked after that until about 2 weeks before meeting my PO. I got arrested in another nearby county and it only resulted from drinking. I was young and dumb, but anyway I was clean by the time I met my PO. All I needed to do was pass the first test and I continued to smoke through my 6 months of probation. I can't say it's the same for everyone though, they give you a questionnaire to fill out about a bunch of things too.

    Anyway, I smoked all throughout probation but I'm always real careful. If I thought I was sloppy I'd think twice before carrying around trees or smoking.

    So for me I passed the first test and that was the one and only time I met my PO, after that it was just background checks to make sure I've had no run-ins with the law. I guess you can only hope yours will be the same. Be clean for the test and I wouldn't recommend using any masking solutions.

  14. Hell yes. Thank you for the help. My smoking sesh before the amusement park will be satisfactory.

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