Hey everyone, I am probably not your typical member here but I still wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I am a 50 yr old professional business person who works way too hard on top of being and mom of 3 boys. I smoke pretty much daily (with my husband who is also a business owner) but only at the end of the day when all is said and done, as it is my favorite way of relaxing and enjoying a few hours before I go to bed and start another busy day. Im sure I don't exactly represent the majority of members on this site as I'm quite sure most are younger but I am curious if there are many others like me? I think it is important for society to know that pot can be a healthy alternative instead of alcohol or pharma drugs. I know I consider myself a responsible person who contributes to society and would love to someday not have to hide my habits like I'm some kind of criminal.
Welcome to GC, personally I'm of the younger generation of blades but there are a few older members on this site. Some with expert knowledge of growing! Enjoy your stay!
There are quite a few of us older folks here. good bunch in their 40's, many in their 50's, and even some in their 60's and 70's. Welcome to Grasscity. If you haven't had a chance yet, please read the forum guidelines.