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Probably going on a break for a while

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stoner63, May 10, 2011.

  1. Hey there everyone, I am used to smoking everyday. I'm 19 and my tolerence is getting way up there. Does anyone think a week or two off of jane will lower my tollerence some? Or could it have any other benefits? Just wondering :wave:
  2. I'm a daily smoker and I just took a week long t-break. Noticeable difference but my tolerance is getting back up there already after a few days. Depends on what you smoke, how much a day, and how big of a tolerance you have.
  3. this wednesday will mark 3 weeks for me (since 420) CANT WAIT
  4. I smoke everyday but I have only been smoking daily for about a year. I smoke some extrememly potent weed. not kidding. but i only smoke about a bowl a day because of school and homewrk and such. So I should probably take more than a week off right?
  5. Good job there! How long are you going?
  6. after a week or two your tolerance will be right back up. I've found that simple moderation is more enjoyable- for me I dropped from 5+ bowls/day down to 1-2, skipping some days. This allows you to smoke, but also lets your tolerance decrease.

  7. This is a good idea, but I'm saving up some money too buy a nice big bag so I figured I might as well lower my tolerence allong the way
  8. Maybe try weekends for a while, thats what i do and trust me your Friday-Sunday will be amazing.

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