These are about 6 days old I'd say. Germinated them by letting seeds sit in a cup of water, then planted half of them in some unknown potting soil with perlite, potted the other half in some dirt from outside that looked pretty good other than it retaining too much water. They are bagseed, I've got some white widow seeds I don't want to use until I know what I'm doing. I have 3 holes poked in the bottom of the Styrofoam cups they are in. I know its bad to plant multiple in one pot (cup) but I figured when its time to transplant I'll just kill off the least desirable plants. I think I might've overwatered them, cause I'd wait until the soil was moist when it was a knuckle deep (like when you microwave chicken nuggets and they're kinda moist) and then I'd water again. It'd usually be once a day or once every 2 days that I'd water them. The leaves on like 2 or 3 of my plants started to turn yellow and growing wasn't as fast so I thought it was nitrogen deficiency. I mixed a little bit of urine (don't judge me bro) into a big container of water and watered them because urine is a natural fertilizer. (No it doesn't stink like urine around my plants, cause I diluted it) nothing changed when I 'fertilized' them. So I let them dry out and haven't watered them for the past few days and it seems like the sick plants are moving and growing and shit again but I can't tell if they got more yellow. Do you think it looks like overwatering or some type of burn/deficiency?
Couple things... Urine as a nitrogen source is a new one to me. I don't know what to say there. If I were you, I would keep all the seedlings happy because you won't know which are female until they start to show. The one(s) you cull may have been the only females. Others can comment on the color of the leaves.
I've prob got like 15 plants right now so I'm not worried about not having a female when harvest comes, but is there any way I can separate them or is it too late? Urine is a really good fertilizer, it's not well known but it's organic I saw a post about it on a rival website and it was pretty thorough explaining that straight urine will burn your plants but if you dilute it to about 1/15 or 1/10 urine to water, it's an amazing fertilizer, and it's free
All you bro. I prefer not to think about me smoking bud that has absorbed my urine has a fertilizer. What kind of soil do you have? Piss watering schedule?
Well urine is pretty sterile, and whatever is in it that is nasty I just like to think the plant doesn't absorb, and only absorbs the nutrients. I've got some unknown potting soil with perlite from my garage, then some soil from my backyard Only fertilized with piss once, but I water the plants whenever they feel dry about half an inch deep
You got 15 plants going? Are you pissing on all of them? You should water 1-2 a week tops. Obviously one plant per pot. Styrofoam cups really aren't that expensive. It shouldn't need nutrients for 2-3 weeks. The yellowing and slow growth was you drowning them. Imo kill em all, do a whole bunch of reading, and try again Sent from my LGL22C using Tapatalk
Or you can take them out of the cup rinse the roots with clean water and transplant into separate cups. In fresh moist not wet soil and hope for the best they will regain health.