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Pro smokers Please help me.....

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by hutch316, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I know this has been asked prob. a million times and I have searched and get a bunch of diff. answers.......Please help me. On June 10 I shared half a joint with my brother. It has been 119 days and tomorrow I am getting a drug test. They will prob. do a Hair test. Do you guys think I will be alright. Before June 10th It had been over a year since I smoked and it was 1 time. Please tell me what you guys think and any advice.

  2. dude youre fucked you have to wait 3 years for weed residue to wash out of your hair...
  3. What's the drug test for?
    Weed is probably out of your system by now. I've had hair test before. It's not as bad as its all hyped out to be. Yeah it takes longer, but some seem to think it takes a year or longer to rid yourself of it.
  4. Why would it be a hair test? IMO youll be fine
  5. I thought hair test were like super expensive so why would they use that kind of test on you...? And why would someone even want to know what you've been doing in the past three years.
  6. that's absurd. trust me, you'll be fine. don't troll
  7. He's not trolling, just inexperianced

  8. search for 2 seconds and you'll find this answer
  9. I did search and have been searching for days. I keep seeing 90 days for some reason. I mean is Half a Joint even enough to stay in you to actually show up to make you fail the test. The test is for a Big Corporation. It is a huge opportunity. Hope a few puffs doesnt fuck me. And you guys are right I am really inexperienced.
  10. how are you on GC if you are this new
  11. shave ur head Now!
  12. ^^^thats ugly^^^ youll be fine. its been over a year. youre good bro.
  13. lol thats actually a pretty good idea bro. Shave your head. ;)
  14. it don't stay in your hair for 3 years my god people are so dumb, the max is maybe 3 months tops...
  15. Bleach your hair!

  16. it was a joke

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