Pro-Legalization Debate at School, Help Needed

Discussion in 'General' started by Michael, May 11, 2013.

  1. What's up guys,

    (18 years old & a senior in HS)

    I have a debate in one of my classes and I got the pro-legalization Marijuana side, of course. ;)

    Does anyone have an outline for a debate that they have done for pro-legalization?

    How would I attack these points
    - Marijuana causes cancer
    - Marijuana kills brain cells
    - Marijuana causes demotivation

    What are also some major points that people attack pro-legalization on?

    Thanks for all your help GC!
  2. smoking is bad mmmmk

    ponder on it

  3. How would I attack these points
    - Marijuana causes cancer
    Show Me.
    - Marijuana kills brain cells Show Me.
    -Marijuana causes demotivation Marijuana shifts priorities, Taking motivations in a different direction. Still motivated.
  4. I'm high, but I was on the debate team in high school, and I still have some skill. Here's what I would say to everything (hint: may be long): if its an actual debate, the first part of your question is your refutation, where you attack their points. This is what you say to all of those points. 1. Inhaling any kind of smoke will cause cancer, and cigarettes are even more carcinogenic then just weed and paper, yet they are still legal, so therefore we shouldn't criminalize weed for being slightly carcinogenic. (assuming weed does cause cancer, maybe it really doesn't).
    2. The study in which marijuana was "proved" to kill brain cells had flawed methodology: it involved depriving monkeys' brains of oxygen for minutes at a time by forcing them to breathe weed smoke. The human brain starts to lose brain cells with no oxygen in ____ (time). (You'll have to do more research here).
    3. Medicinal marijuana is often to used to treat depression, how on earth would it demotivate someone?

    Pro legalization points:
    1.Tax revenue
    2.Careful control on production, distribution, and use (reputable dispensaries won't sell to minors, unlike drug dealers)
    4.Less chance of gateway effedt (i.e. people who buy weed aren't exposed to harder drugs the shady dealer has)

    Feel free to send a message if you need anything else.
  5. I would honestly be interested in any legit reasons as to why marijuana should be illegal, cause when I look at the effects of weed and compare it to other legal substances I can't name any reasons as to why it should be illegal.
  6. Don't forget that legalization would slow down the drug cartels too

  7. With extensive research; credible sources; and clear, concise arguments
  8. That one is kinda not true. Most weed here in the US is grown by regular people. Not some whacked out cartel.

    Just reading what some of the cops who are for legalization say, they have always made a lot of sense. The one theme I have noticed is that all are pretty against legalization on the sole purpose of taxation. Just because it will fund that much more "big brother" as one put it.
  9. as the pro marijuana side of the debate, you can just sit and laugh at the bullshit they are going to spew

  10. -Marijuana causes cancer: This argument is two fold. The first argument is that there is no proof to support that claim. No study has linked marijuana to cancer, though many studies have linked marijuana to treating cancer patients for chemotherapy side effects. The second argument is that the federal government has already set a legal precedent for the legality of products that have been proven to cause cancer. The precedent is that as long as a product has an appropriate warning label on it. For example, cigarettes cause cancer. We know that, yet cigarettes are legal. They just have to have a warning label. So even if the claim was true, which it isn't, it wouldn't be cause to keep marijuana illegal.

    Same argument for all three claims.
  11. Start it off with some humor, be like "in recent studies Harvard graduates have found out that 97% of people who don't smoke weed end up being child molesters. just kidding that is completely false" hahahaha do it.
  12. Haha I'm def gonna put that into my debate lol
  13. As long as it affects no one else everyone should be able to put whatever in their body they so desire. That's all I got.
  14. smoking is bad mmmmk

  15. #16 SkunkWoodz, May 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2013
    I'll play d's advocate once again cuz it seems everyone is focused on smoking

    smoking anything will introduce carcinogens to the body
    smoking weed kills brain cells cuz smoking anything kills brain cells
    motivation is subjective or completely relative, that should be a given.

    If you focus on eating for medical, the opposing side will have nothin on ya

    bring up CBD and the other compounds of weed too, I can almost guarentee they'll focus only on intoxicating side effects
  16. #17 astrid, May 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2013
    I am fine with smoking pot, I am a good American citizen. I don't think pot has damaged my brain cells personally. I have not lost any knowledge, in the least bit. Generally I find that I think better when high. The government has put some really low labels on pot smokers, it's all popganda that is slowly beginning to fade away. Once all the old fucks running the supreme court, senate, and congress Marijuana will be legal nationwide, I guarantee it. I'm also a Political Science major and about to attend law school, I am hoping I can make an impact on the legalization, it's a solution to end all problems (economically) and I could go on, but economically were so in debt. US government is ran by old fucks that won't leave office, and extremely rigid conservatives.

  17. what about short term memory? Not many can or will deny that shit.
    and brain cells doesn't necesarily mean function. Its about as valid as it'll make your hair stop growing, but nay sayers will still us it in the prohibbition argument

  18. Short term memory when stoned is perfectly fine as well, weed has been proven to treat memory problems as well. Here's one link, it's not scholarly or from an academic journal, but it seems legit. As for the brain cells what do you mean by function?

    Key ingredient staves off marijuana memory loss : Nature News
  19. I call bs, I would forget what i was talking about mid sentance when I was smoking

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