prison rape

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Tastytrichomes, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. if being gay wasn't "tough" outside of prison, why is it alright to be a gay ass buttfuckin dude inside of prison as an excuse for not being able to get pussy?
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  2. And all the aids you could ever ask for
  3. It shows dominance
  4. These people that rape are animals, morality and logic doesn't enter their minds.
  5. I don't think prison rape should happen.
  6. wow these responses are gold
  7. i think the people that do that are usually guys that are gonna be locked for a longggg time. so basically their urge to fuck outweighs their homophobia lol.
  8. Lol rapes don't happen like that, unless your on one of those 25 to life strecthes,
  9. I was a victim of prison rape.

    It almost ruined American History X for me.

    PS, just to make it clear, I was not raped nor have I been in prison
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  10. If you call them a faggot they'll kill you. Its pretty strange.
  11. Your anus will look like OPs sig
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  12. [ame=]THE MOST INSANE PRISONER EVER !!!!!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
  13. ^ ending was classic
  14. That video was fucking gold.
  15. #15 Mogwai, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    I think when you're looking at spending the rest of your life in prison society's standards go out the window. A lot of people are against homosexuality because society looks down on it in their opinion. In prison that no longer matters. That may not be the sole reason but surely it plays a part.

    You just say fuck it. You want to get off and beating off is boring. Time for something else. And homo sex is the only other option. People build a lot of frustration in long term prison sentences. I guess that's how some people end up dealing with some of their built frustration?

    Plus it is a thing about dominance as someone said
  16. [ame=]Prison Rape 101 (Uncensored) - YouTube[/ame]
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  17. I think I could win in a fight against that guy in the first video.

  18. I feel like it's not that being gay is suddenly tough, it's that rape is a form of dominance and oppression, so if a sociopath is looking for something depraved to do, rape is right up their alley because it allows them to assert their toughness and cross moral boundaries.
  19. Thug love
  20. Your signature makes me hungry as fuck, but it's to show whose boss.

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