Primo Grow Box ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SeeCario, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. #1 SeeCario, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    wassup City ! I'm a complete fcukin noob at this growing but I'm such a stoner I told my grandma I blazed up cause thats just who I am :smoke:

    which leads me to feeling like a 5 year old at Toys R Us back in 1995 when I see all you good fellows doing your thing and I want to be taken under the GC Wings so,

    I live in an apartment, blaje blaje blaje, and I've been looking and I wanted to know If anybody has or had any encounters with Amazing Stealth Grow Box LED Light - CFL- Carbon Filter - eBay (item 250700749272 end time Oct-02-10 10:42:27 PDT) or similiar type of boxes.

    I want that EXACT same one that the link shows, I'm fresh at this so I also wouldn't know how to build my own but that box investment looks solid to ME. what do YOU think ? how many girls do you see having fun in here freely and healthy ?

    apprecaite the help City
  2. Vast majority of folks on here do not buy turnkey kits, you way, way overpay to get one of those. Building a box/cab can be pretty easy, including retro-fitting something already made to be a storage unit. You can get a turnkey light kit from a place like HTGSupply-dot-com.

    There is a whole section here at GC on Grow Room/Box Design, including a DIY section, I suggest you troll around through there and read up a bit more before you commit in your mind to overspending by hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
  3. appreciate the response. I'm gonna heed your advice and build my own shit.

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