Here is your hard earned tax dollars at work. Shouldn't these kids be learning math or social studies not singing a song about a president? DO NOT make this a obama vs bush arguement save that for the political forum. [ame=]YouTube - (No background music) School kids taught to praise Obama[/ame]
The only good thing about this video is that they're preaching non-racism. But poisoning the minds of these kids with promise of hope and equality is ridiculous.
That piece of shit is indoctrinating the future of America, with his schoolyard Kenyan chants and Voo-Doo magic!!! Woah, sorry about that, my great grandfather was a Republican. I don't really care, to be honest. When I was a kid we always sang lame little songs at school. Then again I did grow up to become a pothead, I mean...'Cannabis Advocate' .
its all good they are being patriotic and non racist, but shouldnt they be learning about Abraham Lincoln or MLK jr. who actually changed the world to be more tolerant, did seem kind of like they were brainwashing them, they should teach the kids to question their leaders and be critical when viewing the world and not just go along with the injustices. thats what weed taught me, all by itself, something i was never told in school
And do you really think that this was a direct order from the president? Some teacher probably likes Obama and decided to teach the kids a song, it's not like they are forced to learn it on a national level or anything. Also learning songs is great for young brains.
Everyone who disagrees with this is officially racist. Remember, we are now in a post-racial America. So if you disagree with Obama in any fashion, or refuse to support those who support him in any way, you are racist. Weakness is strength. Slavery is Freedom. War is Peace. Now shut up and do as your told.
But teachers are morally obligated to remain politically neutral in the eyes of their students, arent't they? At least public school teachers in my area.
News sources and journalists can't even remain neutral, how do you expect the most underpaid, extremely needed resources we have to do so?
you know i like obama, i didn't vote for him, i voted for ron paul. but obama was my third choice behind kucinich. but seriously this scares me. it seems as though this is putting him on a pedestal that's too high for what he's done. considering he hasn't done anything yet other than ending the torture of our political prisoners. oh man. he did what every other president has vowed to do. just because we had such a piece of shit for the past eight years doesn't mean we should be getting on our knees for this new man. not until he proves himself worthy of it, by coming through with really cutting edge policy changes. so far all he's done is tried to bring forth globalization. already school children are singing songs about his greatness. I remember singing songs when i was a kid but i don't recall once singing about president clinton being totally rad and an economic surplus. i don't remember singing about george bush sr. kicking ass in the gulf war or reagan finally wearing down communist russa or jimmy carter, quite possibly the most interesting man who ever held the office of president. all of them have done more than obama. it's the ninth month of his presidency, it seems a little premature for our school children to be worshipping him. reminds me of how they use to sing about mao zedong. just my .02
Well, it probably has to do with the fact that he is the first non-white president. It's SORT of a big deal, whether you like or despise the guy. But yeah, I didn't vote for him. Change we can believe in, my ass. I didn't believe and still don't.
i personally think that worshipping him because he is black is racist in itself. people seem to be making a big deal about him as a president just because of the color of his skin. i personally think that all men are created equal and just because he became president and he is a black man, does not mean that he deserves to be held so much higher than people who've actually done things better for the world. it appears that everybody thinks that he in infallible just because he's young, and new. i say once he proves that he's worth the hype, he still doesn't deserve a song by school children. because we live in america and we don't worship our president. we respect him while we hold our constitution higher than him and everybody else. they are telling these impressionable young children that obama will change the entire world and make everything better for everyone and the world will be sunshine and lollypops, unicorns and free orgasms for all. this is nothing but brainwashing. obama is just the figurehead in a corrupt system of government. he's a puppet just like bush was.
You know what, I'm going to be blunt: We all need to shut the fuck up! He's the President of the United States! I know for a fact our great grandparents wouldn't be doing this crap! They salute their president regardless of political party because he is the god damn President. Do I have hope? No. Do I think he'll "save" America? No. Will I continue to back his decisions regardless of my own personal beliefs? No. But I sure as hell am not going to stop kids from singing about their president, maybe it will instill a bit of that ol' time respect we used to have for our President. "Would you treat the President like this?" has become, "Would you treat Lady GaGa like this?". It's pathetic. That's my two cents, sorry about my asshole tone, but it was required. -Lonely Planet Boy
The right wing definitely has the "rule by fear" strategy down. Can you guys really not see what is going on here?? You are AFRAID of a bunch of little kids singing a song. I can't imagine what it must be like to live with so much fear and paranoia. Some of you really need to get out of your comfy chairs and go see the world. See what a controlling government REALLY like.
so you think that because we see school children singing chants about how our president is going to make the world a perfect place we should just keep our mouths shut and just let it go? i respectfully disagree sir. it's propaganda. these children are singing songs about the president as a person, not what he's actually done or what his office stands for. you think that all of our ancestors just sat back and watched what happened? i respect the president as the president but i do not think that bold face lying to six year olds and making them think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread is right. you can respect a man's position without getting on your knees for him. the teacher has crossed the line of teaching those kids that song and if this is on a national level there is more at play than meets the eye. I personally think this is bigger than left and right. i think that these are all steps heading toward a new world order. but that is not here nor there.
They're six years old! Their politics include staying away from girls with exception to pig tail pulling and lining up for the monkey bar. Seriously, though. What do you want them to do? Sing an "Our president isn't doing his best, his health care plan is failing, he doesn't have enough balls to face off the Republicans, he's going to kill everyone with his not being American enough-ism" chant? Do you think Martin Luther King was worrying about this stuff when he was 6? I, personally, can not see the indoctrination. In the past children had to salute a picture of their President! These young children need to sustain their hope, before the cynicism of maturity burns through their pure little souls. But nonetheless I understand where you are coming from.