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Prices In Cali

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ThePharmacy, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Im gonna be visiting California in a week or so and I was wondering the Prices of 8ths and Quads(7 grams) I know they have tons of weed over there so I would imagine prices are alot less steep than the midwest
  2. depends on where and who you get it from. if you get it from the club expect to pay 45-50 a eighth or almost a bill for a quarter. but if you know people you can get it prolly 70 a 1/4 or 40 a 1/8. i get it 50 a quarter all day of top shelf. just look around . your in cali lol.
  3. mmj is not available to tourist...and DIVERSION IS A FELONY.
    Diversion and card gaming hurts mmj progress, so please don't discuss/infer diverting mmj to tourist...

    that out of the way;

    OP can just ask around while there, Cali has herb everywhere...:wave:

  4. I never mentioned "Medical Marijuana" I just asked the prices of the nug I never said it was for medical purposes :hello:
  5. [quote name='"ThePharmacy"']

    I never mentioned "Medical Marijuana" I just asked the prices of the nug I never said it was for medical purposes :hello:[/quote]

    He was talking to gotbudchus, who did in fact mention dispensaries and mmj.
  6. Probably 10 a g.

  7. I can guess the quality beats the 20/g shit here...I'm so F@#&ing jelly :p
  8. Depends. Cheaper than your used to though. Around $10 for a gram. I usually just save up $80 and get 10.7g's of some top shelf :smoke:

  9. Top Shelf meaning you cop from a collective? or top shelf meaning "Flame" is what we call it in the midwest.

  10. Top shelf from the grower who sells to the collective.

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