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Prices Are Crazy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CanadianToken, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Ok this is so stupid. I live in North-west ohio and the prices are so stupid. Mids are good at 5/g but no name kush is like 20/g, name kush like purple kush and grandaddy purple can cost like 30/g, and things like white rhino almost never pass through here, but when they do, people try to take advantage of that and charge 50/g. It's almost impossible to find white rhino/white widow ect.. And i'm hearing of weed called "baby dro" in the michigan area. Wtf is baby dro..
  2. i have to pay 20/g for dank bro but i never go over 20. im about to go get a quarter of dank for 115 lolololol fuck:[
  3. motherfuckers are greedy as motherfuckers who charge 30/g for gouche designer weed bullshit scam fucks
  4. yeah dude i was told that white rhino was going around here the other day, i got all happy, then i found out it was 50/g i was like fuck that dude. Im gonna stick to my mids. I blaze kush everytime i hit up canada which is like once a month. Shits 10/g there, cheap as fuck. I'd rather have 4g's of mids than 1g of kush to be honest.
  5. 60 for 3.5 here for nug i buy high grade mids for 200 an oz

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