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Price of mmj

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Hinkleberry, Oct 12, 2010.

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  1. How much does someone buy medical marijuana at a dispensery? Does the strain matter and how much does a 8th, quarter, half o or o cost?
  2. i think it depends on ur location.... i have seen as low as 30 an eight depending on strain.... and as high as 200 an eighth for cannibis caviar.... its a top shelf strain soaked in hash oil for 4-6 weeks then dried for four to six months..... havent tried it but ill bet money its the fuckin bo dank shit!
  3. ive seen prices go as high as retail prices in new york city which is fucked up like more then 400 an ounce.
  4. Every shop is different. Some sell a wide variety of qualities from Mid to High to Very High to Top shelf. Some just sell top shelf. Owners can include the tax with the price or add it on too.

    It depends on how much they want to rip you off really if you know that it only costs around $10 an O to grow top quality so if you got a card grow if you want to and it's possible.
  5. All top shelf strains for $275/oz.
  6. Sucks for you. ALL of mine are $250.
  7. That's awesome Habaniah! Our outdoor prices are $130-150/ oz
  8. That's awesome! I was being sarcastic because this isn't true

    There's no set prices.
  9. When I pick up 1/8ths, I pay $20-$60.

    Sometimes they have an overstock of a certain type of medicine, so they inturn lower the price.

    I happened to pick up an 1/8th of Lemon Diesel for $20 and it blew my mind.
  10. HAHA to all of you I get an ounce of schwag for 50 ! haha
  11. #11 TrueBlue99, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010

    ø Medical Marijuana Dispensary & Cannabis Club Directory ø

    put ur zip code and check for ur closes dispensery and check out their "Weed Menu" it shows their strains and prices

    ohh yeah also shows when was that last time they updated thair menu

  12. didnt see you posted that till after i did, but good thinkin man

  13. Try walking into any local dispensary with that line. I guess technically it's a "suggested donation", but no donation, no herb. However, they do offer free delivery!:D I'll PM you with their website and anyone else that requests it.
  14. Man do I have to spell everything out for you? I mean not every dispensary has the same prices god dammit. :bongin:

  15. Chill, relax, deep breath. I was simply saying it IS true for ME. Which is what I thought was being asked? Peace man. Deep slow breathing.

    Oh, and I doubt that God really DAMNED it.
  16. #17 Habaniah, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    Why do you assume I'm mad?

    No where did you explain yourself at all and you expect people to know what you're talking about.

    You take things too literally, learn to read between the lines, think before you say.
  17. Everyone chill out

  18. haha its all good bro


  19. oh btw thats a dope fresh 300. i got a dubbed out passat aha black on black is just how we keep it hood, ya heard haha
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