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Price check on aisle BUD

Discussion in 'General' started by evan6439, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. so i was bored and i was thinking, alot of ppl smoke weed. like alot. then my mind started to wander into the "what does everyone else pay?"

    well, i wanted to ask all of u a question. What do u pay for ur medicine fun?

    out here in lovely brunswick, ohio, we pay bout 20 for a 1/8 of the basic shizz.
    i get ahold of light nugs for 50 and 1/8.

    its probably all the same, but i had to ask cuz i have no clue.

    chief the leaf my good BUDdys!!
  2. This is done all the time but I think it gives up to date market prices so I think we should continue.

    Anyways, right now I am home from college and I'm getting AK47 at $20/g which is reasonable market price, but the guy I pickup from is making little profit whatsoever so I can't even get an 8th for the price of 3 g's or any of those buy in bulk discounts.

    I think we should have a monthly topic reflecting the current market prices stickied at the beginning of each month and replaced monthly with a new topic. It should have a format along the lines of:

    College town: yes/no
    Additional info: (any reasoning about behind price changes/drops)

    1g = $localprice
    3.5g = $localprice
    1o = $localprice
    1lb = $localprice
  3. yea thats a great idea!

    yep brunswick aint no college town.

    but heres the layout in most of cleveland ohio

    half 0 = 55-65$
  4. theres like 200 threads like this..

    1,000,000 DOLLARS!
  5. #5 full melt, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
    eighth- 2k gold
    quarter- 3k gold
    ounce- 10k gold or an eye of the beholder amulet.

    Anymore and you start getting into the parceps.
  6. Somehow I think Full Melt's prices are somewhat inaccurate, because I have to pay an eye of the beholder amulet for a half ounce, and I don't see how he could be getting twice the amount for the same price, no matter how good his hookup is.
  7. You get a half O for that? I have to drop a Necklace of Never Ending Night to get that around here... Unless your talkin mids, which is like 250 gold a half O.
  8. What the fuck ever, I pay $5,000,000 AFD dollars for a LB. :mad:
  9. A billion Stanley nickels per ounce

  10. An entire LB?!?! As I recall 5mill AFD dollars comes out to like 20 bucks American, just aint worth it to carry around...
  11. this really pisses me off. how many of these threads do we fucking need. if you want a update then bring up a old thread. wtf is wrong with you people. its not that hard to use the search button.

    fuck. use common sense.
  12. Actually $5,000,000 AFD dollars comes out to $42.00

    ....worth a pound IMO :D
  13. extract those afd dollars and snort that shit!

    i usually pay .1 to the dollar expect when bulk buying its around 235-280 a zip for a grade:hello: god i love the bay.
  14. Uh, less then then a gram for decent stuff. :confused_2:

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