
Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by weedkilla, May 12, 2017.

  1. anyone got this yet.

    Ive bought it will arrive 2moro, see how it goes...
  2. Yea man, I'm like 3/4hrs in. .
    Smoke some paranoia inducing sativa and feel your heart rate rise. .
    The enemy although not scary or disgusting in appearance makes me jump and panic.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. like alien isolation
  4. I've played a good bit

    Quite a good game, a bit buggy but most of that will hopefully get fixed. There are so many ways to play it though... i had to start over after like 25 hours because i was being irresponsible with my neuromods lol
  5. it feels similar to dishonoured?
  6. In a sense.

    It's made by the same team. It is like a Dishonored/Bioshock/Systemshock/Deus Ex child....

    you can get skills that change how it feels, on my current one i focused on quick movement so rather than slinking in the shadows i come in fast and strike hard more like Doom... the shotgun is my best friend lol

    It is much more difficult than Dishonored was though, i smashed my first run through dishonored in like 9 hours and it didnt pose as much of a challenge as more so just being cool in that you have total control in how you play... Prey has the total control aspect with a much higher gauge of difficulty. I didnt get very far in Dishonored 2 though and ive read that was a bit harder.
  7. cheers I like deus ex also so that's cool..not so keen on bioshock, like the scifi space vibe also though was into dead space to..

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