Do you have any experience with these and do they work? I recently bought Superpump Max and I definitely notice a significant increase in my workout capability. The question is, does the shit actually help you get jacked?
I used to NO Xplode and I loved it. It got me pumped every single workout, and I didn't ever crash from it. Now I'm on Infinite Labs Juggernaut. It doesn't really give me that rush of adrenaline feeling like NO Xplode gave me. But it still works pretty good too. It definitely helps me stay pumped for those heavy sets. But I'm still getting NO Xplode next time.
I don't have the best knowledge of supplements. However from my understanding the supplement itself isn't going to get you jacked. Its your ability to have better quality lifting sessions that is going to build muscle. So if you can bench 10lbs more on the last set cause you took that supplement you are going to have better gains, granted you're doing everything else right. I stay away from stuff like that, I like to draw motivation from myself rather than a supplement to energize me. To each his own though, just make sure its not bad for your body as many of those can be.
What pre-workout supps do is give you a rush of energy and NO2 (nitric oxide). The energy to help you through the workouts and the NO2 to help with a pump. The NO2 increases blood flow to your muscles and helps with recovery. You do receive a nice pump that lasts for a few hours and over time it can help with increasing muscle mass as long as your diet and training is good. My favorite NO2 supp is Jack3d. Its pretty potent so if its your first time try 1 scoop. It makes your skin tingly all over, but its an awesome supp. I used to always take pre w/o supps before training, but besides them being too expensive about 4-5 hrs later my body would crash and Id feel really exhausted. Kind of like drinking alot of redbulls. I only use them on days where Im not motivated to workout or need the extra boost to set personal bests.
Pre-workout supplements do work. Well, some of them. Different supplements for different bodies. For example, I can't take anything like Jack3d, 1MR, No Explode, etc. Basically anything that is a caffeine booster that gives you the 'jitters'. Tried 1MR and I had a allergic reaction. OP, I started off with SuperPump 250. Its better then yours. Read up on reviews of supplements. Max was made after 250 but a lot of people or majority don't prefer or like it. I'm using Muscle Pharm Assault (the new version) now, I'm on my 2nd tub and it works great. Opens up your blood stream which you realize like 10m after taking it. And it just boosts your energy level too. Definitely look Muscle Pharm Assault up. It got #1 Best Pre-workout of 2011 btw.
I read that a lot of the problems with SuperPump 250 included getting the shits due to too much magnesium in the supplement. Also, they used a different amino acid in the max because it helps more with hydrating muscles and getting a better pump.
When I did take Superpump 250, I didn't get the shits. Other people did. I guess my body was just different. No crash either like jack3d. Max is pretty crap in my opinion (i've tried it compared to 250) but hey if you like it and its working, keep it up. Also make sure you got a protein supp. The best 1 right now I think is Big-Time Precision and it costs around 90-110$. 70grams of protein and a bunch of other great adds. anyways i gotta hit the gym now so research research research, cause eventually you'll want to switch pre-workouts. muscle pharm assault is amazing. except it sometimes gives me the shits lol. but hey, thats fine with me. long as I realize its helping while i workout, thats all i care about.
Gay porn is a great pre-workout supplement for straight men. Just pretend that's what will happen if you don't get stronger, and bam, your next workout is guaranteed to be at least 50% better.
Been really enjoying C4 Extreme recently. Pumps are amazing. Used Jack3d for a while, but it made me too itchy, and the pumps really weren't all that great. Also, it seemed to constrict my blood vessels, whereas C4 really dilates them. I'm naturally really vascular but C4 takes it to a whole new level
Anyone try Whey protein elite series? Just bought some because I had extra cash and I've found that it has helped me after workouts. I have never tried any kind of supp before working out. Does anyone have experience with Whey before working out? Walmart only had whey and muscle milk.
Yeah I have plenty of motivation before working out and I can push through the pain to get that extra rep in. Might try it before hand tonight and see if it gives me a better boost.
All you need pre workout is to load some healthy slow digesting foods so you can get some carbs in your muzcles. Get somd potassium too.
I always take whey immediately after. Its a fast absorbing protein so it can be used both before and after. I prefer after bc muscles need protein/carbs after workouts and protein is getting pricey, I dont want to spend all my money on it. Nothing is better than whole food protein. Dont shop at wal-mart, buy it from, their prices are best and shipping is fast. And they have the best selection on the net.
Fuck supplements, they are nothing but unhealthy in the long run it clogs your liver and forms acid crystals in your joints especially while heavy lifting... get real energy from glocuse meaning eat a shit ton of fruit before to workout. Your energy will be through the roof and you'll feel a lot better too.
[quote name='"budsmokn420"']Fuck supplements, they are nothing but unhealthy in the long run it clogs your liver and forms acid crystals in your joints especially while heavy lifting... get real energy from glocuse meaning eat a shit ton of fruit before to workout. Your energy will be through the roof and you'll feel a lot better too.[/quote] There is no evidence for that claim. Yes fruit is good, but there is no reason to believe that suppliments clog your liver. You make too many broad generalization and live under the falacy logic that non raw vegan = bad You claim a lot of science but really dont quote a lot. Please quote clinical trials if you want to be taken seriously.
You don't need a clinical trial to understand how the human body reacts to certain things lol There is obviously not going to be studies done on every single subject so that approach is not really practical. I could say show me the study that says supplements aren't harmful to the body... The liver is known for processing toxins, drugs, foreign chemicals, etc. All of these supplements will have things added to them that will be processed through the liver. Also, all of these supplements are acidic. Show one single pre workout supplement that leaves an alkaline ash. These things are common sense if you understand how the body reacts to things. You don't really need a study done on this to come to these logical conclusions. You get good, clean energy from fruit. I don't see why you would need anything else. The only reason someone would take these supplements is if they aren't healthy and don't eat the right foods. I just prefer giving people the best options, that's all. I'm not some crazy raw foodist who treats it like a religion...I just go with things that give the best results and are healthiest. If you can give me a reason as to why taking these supplements are better than eating fruit before a workout, than I will adopt that fact. I just don't see how that is possible though. People take these supplements because they want energy. Fruit is the best source for energy. Am I missing something?
[quote name='"budsmokn420"'] You don't need a clinical trial to understand how the human body reacts to certain things lol There is obviously not going to be studies done on every single subject so that approach is not really practical. I could say show me the study that says supplements aren't harmful to the body... The liver is known for processing toxins, drugs, foreign chemicals, etc. All of these supplements will have things added to them that will be processed through the liver. Also, all of these supplements are acidic. Show one single pre workout supplement that leaves an alkaline ash. These things are common sense if you understand how the body reacts to things. You don't really need a study done on this to come to these logical conclusions. You get good, clean energy from fruit. I don't see why you would need anything else. The only reason someone would take these supplements is if they aren't healthy and don't eat the right foods. I just prefer giving people the best options, that's all. I'm not some crazy raw foodist who treats it like a religion...I just go with things that give the best results and are healthiest. If you can give me a reason as to why taking these supplements are better than eating fruit before a workout, than I will adopt that fact. I just don't see how that is possible though. People take these supplements because they want energy. Fruit is the best source for energy. Am I missing something?[/quote] Thats the most unscientific thing ive ever heard. "we dont need the scientific meathod of experimentation, we have theories!l Lol. Clinical trials are just medical lingo for controlled experiment. Experaments are essential to science. You can say biochem bla bla bla but untill youve proven it in a lab you dont know if other factors were missed. You meed evidence to make the claim that.suppliments are bad, period
lol It's common knowledge that foreign toxins get processed through the liver. Do you have any knowledge on this subject? How are going to act like I'm wrong when you don't even know anything about this yourself? I know what I'm talking about lol I'm not just making things up... You didn't even address anything I said other than one small portion. Address the extremely valid points I made already...
Aside from whey protein shakes post workout; normally I'll eat some fruit 20 minutes or so before I work out; like a banana and an apple or some combination. You'll have plenty of energy.