I have one grow under me. Used Dr. Earth organic potting soils. Ended up battling root gnats by flowering time. What a pain. I'm thinking of another grow, this time with FFOF. I'm fearful to have deal with gnats again. I know now to wait in between waterings so there's atleast 2-3 inches of dry soil. Are there any other tricks you guys use to PREVENT the occurrence of these little bugers while still using soil? Thanks all! Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I'm not the go to on pest control, but I would think that your environment has more to do with it than your medium. Try a nice layer of sand on top of your soil. Double check your temps and humidity levels. Dunno if neem oil works on gnats but check that put, or azamax. Good luck
i've always had luck blowing a box fan at soil level.. they aren't good fliers and the wind keeps them off the soil.
I tried sand once, it made it a real pain to water and even harder when it came to flushing. You can try beneficial nematodes or some organic foliar spray on the top of the soil. Damn its a bitch having bugs in your soil
Get some Jabanero peppers dice them put in water and simmer till you can't stick face over pot without burning. Let cool place in spray bottle. Spray plant undersides . Any living thing with a mucous membrane will flee in horror Sent from my XT907 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I used Gnat nix last grow, worked the best for me. Same concept as DE, chops up their little bodies when they try to lay eggs. Easy to water with it, it would mix in with the top layer of soil but still work like a charm. For some reason, sand never worked well for me either and I don't like using it. Letting the soil dry out will reduce their numbers but they'll be back, especially if you have multiple sources. I've never used Gnatrol but I've heard very good things about it. Mosquito Dunks from home depot had an observable effect on their numbers. Not 100% though, seems they built a resistance to it. No-Pest strips will kill everything in the room, but fuck chemical pesticides I don't recommend them. Apple cider traps are for houseplants, they're no match for an infestation. Sticky flystrips work great at reducing their numbers.