Pretty Stumped here, little help(pic heavy)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dudeodan, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. So ive never really looked in my tent when the lights are off, so last night i purchased temp gauge that can be read outside the tent. now, ive noticed that temps go up when the lights are off????? I have the exhaust going through my hood, directly outside through a small hollowed out window air unit. * inch fan pulling air

    going in 6inch intake fan, when its hot i attach to air duct for better cooling, none of this air actually hit the plants hood is sealed (i hope) it helps drastically at night.

    This is where it exits into the air conditioner outside..inside unit is an 8inch 400 cfm inline exhaust, window is also sealed to prevent light from entering

    going through hood

    Very rear of the tent is another 6 inch inline attached directly to carbon filter on outside

    800cfm turbo fan pushed air into the tent and around the base of the pots
    and carbon filter i use on outside

    box fan to just pull more air into the room from the house

    So all in all ive figured out my light on am i doing wrong in the day? can i open the hood and just those 2 fans suck and blow into the tent when lights off

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