Pretty fucking upset at my history text book

Discussion in 'General' started by Angry Troll, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. It's all about American colonization.
    Years 1600-1865.

    Why I'm upset is that NOT ONCE is hemp mentioned. I just don't get it!? I've read 300+ pages. We had LAWS that DEMANDED colonist to grow hemp! Our major cash crop was hemp! Oh and when we learned about all out political masterminds like Washington and Jefferson, they all wrote about hemp and it's enormous value to the states! YET NO WHERE IS HEMP MENTIONED WHEN WE LEARN ABOUT THESE FIGURES AND WHAT THEY WROTE ABOUT.

    Of course it only mentions tobacco as a cash crop. This text book is fucking propaganda. School is propaganda. What the fuck! :mad:
  2. Out of sight, out of mind

    when the people who make the rules dont like something, it becomes non existent
  3. Oh also some food for though: we started using coal in 1840. 172 years later and were still using it as a main fuel source for electricity. Pathetic!

  4. Its sad but true, Those in charge write history, not those involved.:(

    History is an awesome subject, But its gotta be somewhat full spectrum or its biased one way or another. Obviously your text book is, Shit hemp was pretty damned important, waaaayy back when in the 16 n 1700's up until the world wars even, HEMP FTW :hello:

  5. If the govt had their way, people would all heavily avoid cannabis as they would believe it caused violent insanity and destroyed the body.....

    luckily people werent all fucking idiots back when propaganda took over lol

    Soon you'll be reading how Lincoln was in cahoots with Marx, and how the patriot John Wilkes Booth saved democracy.

    And didn't you hear? Europeans were always here. It was the Natives that invaded the colonies and tried to spread cannabis fields across the land--- and homosexuality by coughing on children.

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